Why are we changing Content Management Systems?

The content management system is changing in order to improve the quality of our web content and the ease for content providers to keep their information current.

When will I be migrated?

A notification will be sent to let you know when your content will be migrated. The tentative schedule runs from the end of October 2012 to Spring 2013. Information will be updated here (Intranet ONLY).

When will I be trained?

At the same time your migration occurs, you will receive a similar notification for training sessions offerred.

How will I get to my content?

You will have access to your existing content until the 'freeze date'. Once the content is migrated (approximately 2 weeks after your content is frozen) you will have access to your content on the new system.

When does my old content get put on hold?

You will receive notification communicating when your content will be put on hold ('frozen')

Why will my current content be 'frozen'?

All content must be frozen to ensure a stable migration of data from the old systems to the new CMS. If content is being modified during migration, it would be impossible to accurately represent those changes in the new environment.

This page last updated 09th Nov 2012