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School of Public Health News Release, 09/27/2012

Two TPI faculty members selected for national CityMatCH CityLeaders program

The Texas Prevention Institute (TPI), housed in the School of Public Health, is a multidisciplinary institute that brings together faculty and research programs from public health, medicine and biomedical sciences. Two primary-affiliated faculty members of the TPI, Kim Fulda, DrPH, and Marcy Paul, MA, have been selected to participate in the 2012 cohort of the CityMatCH CityLeaders program. CityMatCH is a national organization of city and county health departments' maternal and child health (MCH) programs and leaders representing urban communities in the United States. The mission of CityMatCH is to improve the health and well-being of urban women, children and families by strengthening the public health organizations and leaders in their communities. CityLeaders is a cohort training program for emerging maternal and child health leaders that serves as an introduction to the core MCH leadership competencies. Participants engage in eight months of intensive training on core competencies, including one onsite meeting and a series of distance learning skills-building opportunities. CityLeaders are matched with a seasoned urban maternal and child health leader in the field for a mentor/mentee relationship lasting the duration of the program. The School of Public Health congratulates Kim Fulda and Marcy Paul on this achievement!

This page last updated Sep 18, 2012
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