University of North Texas College of Information, Department of Library and Information Sciences at the University of North Texas

University of North Texas

College of Information


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Technology Hardware Requirements

Our degree program will help you become proficient in the use of computer-based tools and resources that are important to information work of all kinds. In order to participate, however, you must have a minimum level of connectivity and computing capabilities outside the Department.

Internet Access

Internet connectivity is required for many of our courses that are delivered via WebCT (distributed learning courseware), for remote access to the UNT Libraries and other resources, for searching the World Wide Web for class assignments, and for email and conferencing. If you do not already have Internet access at home or work, you should subscribe to a commercial Internet service provider (ISP).

Be sure the ISP you choose provides a local telephone number and does not charge by the minute. For students pursuing the majority of their program online, we highly recommend broadband, digital subscriber line (DSL), fiber optic service (FIOS), or cable modem service for the fastest possible connections.

As the majority of all computer equipment at UNT is PC-based, we recommend that you purchase hardware that is compatible with Microsoft Windows XP, or higher, operating system.


We recommend a computer system with at least the following hardware base:

We also recommend that you have either:

For More Information

You can also review the current computer hardware and software offerings available in the College of Information General Access Computer Lab.

This page was last modified at 12:17PM on Wednesday, June 10, 2009