Choosing a Major

Career Assessment

Job seekers can assess their interests, values, and temperaments on-line to provide a better understanding of occupations that match them and also help in making their "major"career decision.

MyPlan — a computer based test that helps students make well-informed decisions about their careers. can help you explore options and bring clarity and insight into figuring out what's best for you. With dozens of easy-to-use tools, makes getting to that information convenient, simple and fun.

Choices Planner — a computer-based program that has assessments of your interests, work values, and work skills. (Contact the Career Center for a password to enter system - (940) 565-2105

Sigi 3 — a computer-based guidance system that can help you make informed and appropriate decisions about your educational and career plans.

Counseling & Testing Center — Further assessments are available along with individual career counseling. Online assessments in no way replaces the one-on-one counseling provided by Counseling & Testing.

The Office for Exploring Majors — Located in Undergraduate Studies, is the home for all students who are undecided about their major. The designation of "undecided" is recommended for students who are exploring possible majors. Trained academic counselors are available to assist undecided students with clarifying academic interests, determining career goals, selecting majors, and academic advising.

What Can I Do With a Major in...