Job Search

Information Sessions

What is an Information Session???

An information session is a formal presentation companies host to share about their company culture, company information and company career paths. This is a great opportunity to network and to research more information about companies recruiting at UNT. All UNT students and alumni are encouraged to attend these information sessions. Students who will be interviewing with these companies are highly encouraged to attend.

You may sign up for the information sessions through the Career Center's Eagle Network system.

20 Questions Answered in an Information Session

  1. On a typical day in this position, what do you do?
  2. What training or education is required for this type of work?
  3. What personal qualities or abilities are important to being successful in this job?
  4. What part of the job do you find most satisfying? Most challenging?
  5. How did you get your job?
  6. What opportunities for advancement are there in this field?
  7. What entry level jobs are best for learning as much as possible?
  8. What are the salary ranges for various levels in this field?
  9. How do you see jobs in this field changing in the future?
  10. Is there a demand for people in this occupation?
  11. What special advice would you give a person entering this field?
  12. What types of training do companies offer persons entering this field?
  13. What are the basic prerequisites for jobs in this field?
  14. Which professional journals and organizations would help me learn more about this field?
  15. What do you think of the experience I've had so far in terms of entering this field?
  16. From your perspective, what are the problems you see working in this field?
  17. If you could do things all over again, would you choose the same path for yourself? Why? What would you change?
  18. With the information you have about my education, skills, and experience, what other fields or jobs would you suggest I research further before I make a final decision?
  19. What do you think of my resume? Do you see any problem areas? How would you suggest I change it?
  20. Who do you know that I should talk to next? When I call him/her, may I use your name?

Thank You Letters

The Career Center recommends that job seekers always send thank-you letters immediately following an interview or an office visit. Many job seekers send thank you letters after meeting an employer at a career fair or an information session as a part of their job search strategy.

Letter Format

The thank you letter is similar to a cover letter, but is less formal. Thank you letters should be brief. Elaborate on those things that were discussed during the interview that are significant to your ability to do the job well. You may add any relevant information that you forgot to address during the interview. Be sure to show sincere gratitude for the interview and interest in the organization and position for which you interviewed.

Each person that interviewed you should receive a thank you letter. It is appropriate to send an email in lieu of a letter. In fact, the email letter will get to the intended recipient(s) much faster than regular mail. Be sure that the language you use in the email is not too informal. You may mail the letter in addition to sending it via email.

How to Write a Great Thank You Letter

  1. Personalize the letter
  2. Handwrite or type the letter using a business letter format
  3. Send the letter within 24 – 48 hours after the interview
  4. Include any additional information forgotten in the interview
  5. Remind the employer of why they should hire you
  6. Restate your desire regarding the job
  7. Use good quality paper
  8. Double check your spelling, punctuation and grammar
  9. Proofread the letter and have someone else proofread it
  10. Say thank you to everyone you met!

Click here for a sample Thank You Letter.

Business Etiquette

Join guest consultant Diane Gottsman and eat dinner with other students and recruiters. Students will learn how to have a professional presence during business meetings and meals. A full dinner will be served, and you will have an evening getting the polish needed to step out into the world of work.

View more about Diane Gottsman.
View more about dinner etiquette.

Salary Information

Gain a greater understanding of the worth of your future career to eliminate unreal expectations during the job seeking process and to provide an answer to the future salary interview question.

Sites for Salary Information

Employment Outlook

Careers in the 21st Century—What and Where Will They Be?

Job Listing Sites

The internet offers a massive amount of resources for finding jobs, so much that job seekers can end up "drowning" in the internet instead of "surfing" it. This area has been developed to allow job seekers to search in "address specific" websites, rather than mega and meta lists that provide only a limited number of job listings in a particular field.

Company Research Forms

(see Employer Research Form (pdf))

Social Media Resources

 Diversity Links



General Diversity Sites


International Students

Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Questioning

 Student with Disabilities
