Selling Yourself

What to Say

  • Introduce yourself with a smile and firm handshake. Maintain good eye contact during conversation.
  • Demonstrate to the recruiter what you want to and can do for the employer today, based on employer research. Give two minute commercial.
  • Answer questions with:
    • "Yes, for example (accomplishment/result statement)" and
    • "No, however (accomplishment/result statement)"
  • Show interest in what the interviewer is saying, by nodding your head and leaning toward him/her occasionally.
  • Give positive answers to negative-based questions.
  • Ask the recruiter prepared questions.
  • Initiate the next step by asking what the next step is.
  • Ask for the recruiter's business card for future contact. Immediately after you leave make notes of important points of discussion.

What to Do

  • Arrive 10-15 minutes early.
  • Use time wisely to review employer research information.
  • Have pen and paper. Asking to borrow a pen indicates lack of preparation.
  • Be enthusiastic. Recruiters remember a positive attitude.
  • Listen carefully to the interviewer's complete question before responding.
  • If needed, pause and take time before answering difficult questions.
  • Keep going even if you feel you made a mistake.
  • Carry extra resumes, references, etc. organized in a portfolio.
  • Unless asked, do not discuss salary and benefits.

After the Interview

  • Send a thank you letter to the recruiter.
  • Address it to the recruiter, by name and title.
  • Demonstrate employer knowledge in 2-3 sentences.
  • Restate employment objective.
  • Answer the question – "What can you do for them?" – based on something specifically discussed during your contact. Use accomplishment or results statements that demonstrate your ability to meet those needs.