
If you are not yet registered with Eagle Network, you will need to set up an Eagle Network account. You may also register for Career Fairs on the Eagle Network.

Career Fair

Welcome Employers!

The UNT Career Center offers employers access to thousands of qualified candidates who are ready to assume their positions and help bring your company greater success. Every company is looking for new talent and we want you to see the quality students we have to offer. All career services are FREE to employers! There may be costs associated with some of our large career fairs.

Getting connected to the Career Center and our students is easy. We can help you, from as simple as posting a job to working with you to establish your presence on campus, to offering you sponsorship opportunities to increase your overall campus visibility. You decide what level of involvement you desire and we will help you reach your goals on the UNT campus. The Career Center is committed to providing the highest level of recruiting services to all of our recruiting partners.