Undergraduate Students

Students in Career Center Computer Lab.

Welcome UNT Students!

The Career Center exists to provide services to currently enrolled students in all academic majors and for all degree levels, as they seek to make career decisions, part-time employment while in school or full-time employment following graduation or certification. The Career Center is a liaison between students and employers representing education, business, industry, government and public service that seek to fulfill their hiring needs.

The Career Center can help with every aspect of your job search including career exploration, resume/cover letter writing, interviewing, and job search strategies. Career Advisors, who are assigned to specific colleges/schools, are ready to meet with you individually. Our online job posting system, Eagle Network, provides students and alumni access to part-time and full-time employment opportunities, as well as information on upcoming events (job/career fairs, mock interview days, career seminars, on campus interviews, etc.).

We encourage you to explore all of the services and resources that the UNT Career Center has to offer.