
Buddy Price

(940) 565-2943
Buddy directs a staff of specialists who have specific university coverage areas. In general, Buddy personally covers academic affairs, alumni, commencement, equity and diversity, enrollment management, fiscal and administrative affairs, the Faculty Senate and Staff Council, the graduate school, human resources and personnel matters, and student development.

Ellen Rossetti

(940) 369-7912
Ellen has primary responsibility for the College of Music, College of Visual Arts and Design, the Department of Dance and Theater, and UNT’s arts and entertainment calendar.

Nancy Kolsti

(940) 565-3509
Nancy has primary responsibility for the School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management, Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism, College of Information, Honors College, most of the humanities and social science departments in the College of Arts and Sciences, Women’s Studies Program, UNT libraries and the Texas State Historical Association. She also oversees URCM’s experts database and “hometown news” coverage of student achievements.

Alyssa Yancey

(940) 565-3510
Alyssa has primary responsibility for the Office of Research and Economic Development, Discovery Park, Texas Academy of Math and Science, College of Engineering and most of the life and physical science departments in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Leslie Wimmer

(940) 565-4835
Leslie has primary responsibility for the College of Business, College of Education, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, Emerald Eagle Scholarship Program, Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference, UNT Kristin Farmer Autism Center, Student Money Management Center and the Center for Learning Enhancement, Assessment and Redesign.

Kelley Reese

(940) 565-3993
Kelley is responsible for leading the development and implementation of UNT’s messaging (or non-graphic brand expression). She oversees several teams that are responsible for promoting and protecting the university’s image and reputation through strategic internal and external communication, including advertising, news promotion and public relations, the University’s serial publications, and photography and videography. Kelley also plays a key role in university crisis management and in general, she personally manages issues that arise regarding community and governmental relations, environmental safety and risk management, facilities, legal affairs, police, the president and executive cabinet, and the UNT System Board of Regents.

Deborah Leliaert

(940) 565-2108
Deborah reports to UNT’s president, collaborating with fellow members of the President’s Cabinet and leaders from virtually every area on campus to enhance and protect UNT’s reputation and image. She serves as the chief university spokesperson in public forums, and carries chief responsibility for the effectiveness of the university’s communications, branding, marketing, crisis and issues management, and media and visitor relations. Deborah works directly with the members of URCM’s leadership team (our associate vice president, assistant vice president and four unit directors) to keep the division nimble, responsive and adaptive to changing internal and external communications environments, opportunities and technologies.