
Our online financial resources provide students with easy access to a wide array of money management tools and links to get you on the path to financial freedom.

"In the Green" Cash Course

Students can access a variety of self-paced training modules that cover a broad introduction to financial responsibility and financial literacy topics. Modules vary in the time required for completion and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To enter the Course click here — may the green be with you!

Debt Free U

Debt Free U is a money management resource made with young adults in mind, not their parents. The future of our economy rests in the hands of this up-and-coming generation, and it's necessary that they possess the money management skills to handle the task on their own. To enter the world of the U click here — may the green be with you!

Downloadable Materials

The Downloadable Materials section will keep you on top of your financial situation with easy-to-follow worksheets and assessments.

Helpful and Informative Websites

The list of Helpful and Informative Websites we've compiled will help you discover vital information concerning everything from paying back college loans to explaining credit reports and credit scores.