University of North Texas

University Policy Office - Policy Manual


Policy Number: 

World Wide Web services at the University of North Texas provide information as well as services to members of the University community, prospective students, and the general public. The Web plays a vital role in helping the University fulfill its mission. Consequently, the structure of the Web's information and its ease of use are of paramount importance to the University community.

Because official information represents the University to a worldwide community, it must be timely, accurate, and consistent with University policies and local, state and federal laws. Furthermore, the presentation of official UNT information via the Web must adhere as closely as possible to UNT's editorial and graphic standards, just as printed publications are subject to these same standards. Web Publishing Guidelines, approved by the IRC, assist Web authors in preparing materials that meet those standards.

Application of Policy: 
Total University
Policy Owner: 
VP for Information Technology and CIO
Policy Contact: 
Charlotte Russell
Date Issued: 
Last Revised: 