
Welcome to the UNT Library and Information Science Student Association!

UNT LISSA is busy planning the Media Drive benefiting Denton County Friends of the Family Women's Shelter. Feel free to join us November 26th-30th at the Discovery Park Library for donations and hot cocoa! 

UNT LISSA is intended to enhance the student's academic and professional experience by representing the ideas and opinions of its members to faculty and administration and by planning social, professional and networking activities.

Membership: All students enrolled in the UNT's College of Information are automatically members of LISSA. To be an active member, please sign up for an account with OrgSync. (Click Login to OrgSync "button" at the top of this page, sign up for an account and then search for UNT LIS Student Association; request to Join.)

Web site: Be sure to browse through the pages on this web site for other useful information.

If you have any questions, contact UNT LISSA at untlissa@gmail.com.


UNT LISSA Executive Committee:
Brittany Barrett- President
Melissa Freeman- Vice President
Jennifer Stayton- Secretary/Treasurer
Katie Dawson- Member-at-Large
Myriam Martinez- Member-at-Large
Rita Nix- Member-at-Large
Crystal Sanchez- Member-at-Large

Dr. Brian O'Connor, Faculty Advisor

(Updated 14, November 2012)


UPDATE: Check our Career Page for announcements of library jobs in the Denton/North Texas area.

To report technical problems, send an email to untlissa@gmail.com or use our Contact Us tab at the top of the page. Thank you.