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College Communications

Video Lectures

Fall 2009 College of Information Lecture

“Ischool Trends in Education & Research: Challenges and Recommendations” presented by Dr. Harry Bruce, Dean- School of Library and Information Sciences, University of Washington, ISchools Coordinator Elect, 2010-2012

Harry Bruce’s research and teachings focus on human information behavior, information seeking and use, and personal information management in networked information environments. Dr. Bruce’s research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), The Washington State Library and the Australian Department of Employment Education and Training.

Download Video, 374M, MP4 Format


DOCAM '10, The Annual Meeting of the Document Academy
Sponsored by the UNT College of Informaton, Texas Center for Digital Knowledge, and The Document Academy.

"The Suitable Arrangement of Documents:  The Nature and Scope of Information Studies" presented by Dr. Michael Buckland, Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley, Co-Director, Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative.

Dr. Buckland helped organize the first Document Academy Conference with Niels W Lund. Buckland’s interests include library services, information retrieval, cultural heritages, and the history of documentation. In recent years he has been engaged is a series of studies of how to make searching easier and more effective.

Download Video, 366M, MP4 Format

Publication Across the Career Span: Micro and Macro Strategies

Dr. Frederick Oswald
Rice University
Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Education in the Age of Mobilism: The Inevitable Transformation of K-12 Classroom

Dr. Elliot Soloway
University of Michigan
Wednesday, September 21, 2012 (Bruce E. Street)


Adaptively and Personalization Through Cognitive Modeling in Ubiquitous Learning Systems

Professor Kinshuk
Athabasca University
Wednesday, October 3, 2012