University of North Texas College of Information, Department of Library and Information Sciences at the University of North Texas

University of North Texas

College of Information


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Houston Program

The University of North Texas offers an American Library Association accredited Master’s Degree Program in Library Science in the Houston Area. It’s quality education to fit your lifestyle!

General Information

The Houston Program started in the early 1990s, and it has had a great history of success. Many of its graduates still live and work in the Houston area, and this provides a great source of support for the program. University of North Texas Department of Library and Information Sciences (UNT-LIS) Houston area graduates participate in the alumni association and are engaged in many of the student activities. The students in the Houston Program have an opportunity to network with professionals that work in a variety of information settings in the area.

The Program is managed by the Director, Assistant Director, and Student Coordinator who work under the direction of the Department of Library and Information Sciences Chair.

The Student Coordinator resides in Houston and is available to support the needs of the students in the Houston Program. The headquarters of the Student Coordinator is the University of Houston M.D. Anderson Library.

Each of these individuals is committed to the Houston Program and can be reached by e-mail, postal mail, fax, and phone.

Title Contact E-mail
Program Director: Dr. Ana D. Cleveland
Assistant Program Director: Dr. Jodi Philbrick
Academic Advising: Toby Faber
Department Chair: Dr. Suliman Hawamdeh

Additional contact information

This page was last modified at 4:37PM on Thursday, May 31, 2012