Pictured from left to right:
Susan Dubois, Nathan Kruse,
Eileen M. Hayes, Julia Bushkova

Alpha Alpha Chapter, Pi Kappa Lambda

Special Inductee Event
The 2012 New Inductee Luncheon/Ceremony will take place on Monday, May 12, noon – 1p.m. in the Graham Green Room.  Interested persons should contact Dr. Eileen Hayes.  Remarks will be delivered by Dean James C. Scott.

Founded in 1918, Pi Kappa Lambda is the only music honor society that is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies.  Induction into the society recognizes the highest in student achievement in music performance, scholarship, and composition. 

PKL Website: pikappalambda.capital.edu

Eileen M. Hayes, President
Julia Bushkova, Vice-President
Susan Dubois, Treasurer
Nathan Kruse, Secretary
Benjamin Brand, Chair, Scholarships Committee

For membership information, contact Dr. Eileen Hayes at

PKL Members, College of Music,
University of North Texas

Susan Dubois
Thomas Sovik
Nathan Kruse
Brad Beckman
Jeff Bradetich
Gene Cho
Alan McClung
Brian Bowman
Donald Little
David Pierce
Benjamin Brand
Julia Bushkova
Eileen Hayes
Linda di Fiore
Keith Johnson
Lenora McCroskey
Lynn Job
Debbie Rohwer
Darhyl Ramsey
Mary Karen Clardy
Terri Sundberg
Kathleen Reynolds
Morris Martin
Warren Henry
Jesse Eschbach
John Scott
Carol Pollard
Deanna Bush
Julie Scott
Cindy McTee
Colleen Conlon
James C. Scott, Past President, PKL