Frequently Asked Questions


I had to miss class because of a religious holiday. Is this an excusable absence?

It is up to the individual student to discuss with their professors prior to the religious holiday about missing class for that purpose. At the beginning of each semester I would discuss with your professors the religious holidays that may interfere with your class attendance and make arrangements accordingly.
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I was sick and I missed class. My professor wants a note from the Dean of Students Office.

Students are expected to attend classes regularly and to abide by the attendance policy established by the professor. However, the University is aware that there will be times when a student is unable to attend class due to emergency situations, health or the death of a loved one. The Dean of Students Office is also available to assist you with documenting your absence. Students must provide the Dean of Students with official and verifiable documentation related to the reason for absence. Once the absences have been verified the decision to allow a student to make up course work is left to the discretion of the professor and or the department.
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I had to miss class because there was a death in the family and my professor has asked me to contact the Dean of Students Office for an absence verification note. What do I need to do?

You will need to come to the Dean of Students Office in the Union 319 with documentation. We accept the obituary from the newspaper (with student’s name listed as a relative), a letter from the funeral home on their letter head, or a program from the funeral service which would list the student’s name as a relative. After you bring this documentation to our office and talk with one of our staff members we can proceed with sending notification to your professors that verifies this absence.
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I have a family emergency and had to go home and miss class. Who should I contact for an excuse?

Please stop by the Dean of Students Office (Union 319) for assistance.
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How will I know that weather related school closings?

The best way to receive this information as soon as the decision to close the University is made is by being registered with your most updated information (phone numbers and emails) in the UNT Eagle Alert system. You can register your information at
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My problem seems very complex and confusing and involves so many different offices on campus. I have no idea where to start the process. What should I do?

The Dean of Students Office is here to help! We can help you navigate through the proper procedures. Please stop by our office or send an email to
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Where can I go to lodge a complaint or share a concern I have about an issue at the University?

There are a few places you can go… First, if it is an issue concerning another student’s behavior with you, please stop the Dean of Students Office in Union 322. The Dean of Students Office upholds the Code of Student Conduct and is responsible for holding students accountable for their behavior. Second, if it is an academic related issue (faculty member, grading, etc) please go to the Department Chairperson of that academic department. Each academic unit has policies and procedures in regards to grievances. Third, if you feel as if you are being discriminated against please stop by the Equal Opportunity office in the Hurley Administration Building 210. If you don’t know who to go to in regards to your complaint, please contact the Dean of Students Office at and we will help you with the issue or point you in the right direction.
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How do I withdraw for medical or mental health issues?

Students needing to leave the University of North Texas due to medical conditions may contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance. A request as well as verifiable documentation related to their condition will be required. Students may contact the Dean of Students Office directly for assistance. For information on the withdrawal process and deadlines contact the Registrar's Office at (940) 565-2111 or visit them online.
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I have been referred to the Dean of Students Office for conduct. What will happen?

You will receive a notice of complaint to the mailing address listed in the UNT system (or residence hall) instructing you to make an appointment with a Dean of Students Representative. It is important that you follow-up with this request, make an appointment and keep it. Ignoring the situation will not make it go away. In fact, ignoring the request is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and could result in a misconduct penalty or sanction (including block on registration and/or suspension).
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I have been accused of cheating on a paper by one of my professors. What will happen?

Issues of academic integrity (cheating, plagiarism, etc) are handled through the office of Academic Integrity under t he Provost Office. Please visit for more information.
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I am feeling homesick, depressed, anxious, nervous and upset. Where can I go?

UNT has their very own Counseling and Testing Services which provides free counseling for students. You can call to make an appointment at 940-565-2741 or visit their website at You can also stop by the Dean of Students Office and we can help get you connected to the right resources for you!
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I am having a problem with my roommate. Who can I talk to?

We highly recommend getting your Resident Assistant (RA) and/ or Hall Director involved in your roommate issues. They are trained to assist you in all types of issues concerning Housing. Stop by your residence hall’s front desk and ask for assistance!
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Eagle Network

Eagle Network

If you're looking for a job, on- or off-campus, the Career Center's Eagle Network will help you find one. With the Eagle Network you can sign up for interviews, register to attend career events and much more.




Do you have an emergency you need cash for? The Student Money Management Center offers three short-term loan options for funding your educational needs, including tuition, books or any unanticipated expense.


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