University of North Texas

University Policy Office - Policy Manual


Policy Number: 
Date Issued: 
12/92,2/99, 7/03

Section I. University Police Authority
The University of North Texas Board of Regents has established a campus law enforcement agency with commissioned peace officers who, as specified in Section 105.152, of the Education Code, are empowered with the same jurisdiction, powers, privileges, and immunities as specified in section 51.203, Education Code.

Section II. Chief Law Enforcement Officer
A. The President of the University, shall employ and commission a chief law enforcement officer, subject to confirmation by the Board of Regents, to direct the activities of the campus law enforcement agency. The chief law enforcement officer shall be a certified police officer meeting the requirements of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education (Section 51.203(e), Education Code), or obtain such certification during the period specified by the Commission.

B. To assure the timely employment, training, and commissioning of peace officers, the Board of Regents delegates the authority to employ and commission peace officers to the chief law enforcement officer of the campus law enforcement agency. The chief law enforcement officer shall employ and commission peace officers in accordance with Section 51.203, Education Code. All officers so employed and commissioned shall meet, at a minimum, the requirements prescribed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education.

C. The chief law enforcement officer shall provide, through agency policies and directives, for the continuing education and training of the university’s campus peace officers to maintain each peace officers certification.

Section III. Scope of University Police Authority
All peace officers commissioned by the university are empowered by law to enforce the general and criminal laws of this State, as well as, rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Regents that affect the safety and welfare of the university community. Those rules specifically include, but are not limited to, UNT policy in such areas as:
Protection of Building and Grounds (9.2)
Workplace Violence (1.7.7)
Solicitation (10.13)
Use of Alcoholic Beverages (10.14)
Vehicle Operation & Parking (9.5)
Protection of Building and Grounds (9.2)