University of North Texas

University Policy Office - Policy Manual

Disposition Table by Date

October, 2012

Academic Computing Consulting Policy

UNT Policy 3.5 has been deleted.  Policy is no longer accurate, is procedural in nature, and is not necessary.  Deleted 10/8/2012.

Computing Center General Policies

UNT Policy 3.1 has been deleted.  Policy is outdated and does not serve any function.  Deleted 10/8/2012.

Drug-Free Workplaces

UNT Policy 16.6 was non-substantively revised to remove references to the Faculty Handbook which are no longer applicable.  Effective 10/8/2012.

Financial Exigency Policy

UNT Policy 15.1.26 was non-substantively revised to remove references to the Faculty Handbook which are no longer applicable.  Effective 10/8/2012.

Non-Discrimination/Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Non-Retaliation

UNT Policy 1.3.7 was non-substantively revised to eliminate references to the Faculty Handbook which is no longer applicable.  Effective 10/8/2012.


September, 2012

Student Travel Policy

Revision--UNT Policy 18.4.5, Student Travel Policy, was non-substantively revised to delete references to the Faculty Handbook which is no longer applicable.  Revision effective 9/26/2012.


August, 2012

Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Policy

UNT policy 5.2 was non-substantively revised update links to resources and to restore those resource links that were broken.  Effective 08/06/2012.

Probationary Period

UNT Policy 1.3.11, Probationary Period, has been deleted.  With the implementation of the System At-Will Employment Regulation, effective June 1, 2012, employees will no longer serve a probationary period.  Law wnforcement officers requiring a probationary period are covered under General Order 221.02 and Texas Code 143.027 and Policy Department policies and procedures reflect this requriement.  1.3.11 deletion effective 8/24/2012.

University Policy for Study Abroad

This policy was non-substantively revised to delete references to the Faculty Handbook which is no longer applicable.  Effective 8/18/2012.

UNT Tobacco Free Workplace Policy

UNT Policy 10.17.1 has been created to comply with 25 TAC 703.20, Certification of Tobacco-Free Policy for Entities Receiving CPRIT Funds.  Effective 8/24/2012.


July, 2012

Part-Time Faculty

This policy was non-substantively revised to remove references to the Faculty Handbook which is no longer applicable.  Effective 7/5/2012.


June, 2012

Grievance Policy

UNT Policy 1.7.2 was revised to reflect process/procedural changes in accordance with System Regulation pertaining to condition of employment.  Effective 6/5/2012.

Staff Employee Discipline and Involuntary Termination

UNT Policy 1.7.1 was revised to comply with System Regulation 05.100 At-Will Employment Relationship.  Effective 6/5/2012.


May, 2012

Central Receiving

UNT Policy 4.1 was non-substantively revised for clarity and to identify responsible party.  Effective 5/23/2012.

Faculty/Staff/Retiree/Dependent Educational Scholarship

UNT Policy 2.2.14 was revised to extend the dependent's age from 25 to 26 concerning eligibility for scholarship benefits.  Effective 5/11/2012.

Policy on Centers and Institutes

UNT Policy 16.8 was significantly revised to comply with current practice, applicable statutes, and best practice.  Effective 5/4/2012.


April, 2012

Accountholder Responsibility

UNT Policy 2.1.10 was revised to eliminate the requirement that DeptID holders certify monthly financial transactions for which this individual is the holder of record.  Effective 4/3/2012.

Criminal History Background Checks, Faculty

UNT Policy 1.2.16 has been consolidated into 1.2.17, Criminal History Background Checks for Security Sensitive Positions, which includes both faculty and staff.  Deleted 4/9/2012.

Employment of Individuals with Disabilities/Workplace Accommodation

UNT Policy 1.2.5 was revised to comply with applicable statutes.  Effective 4/3/2012.

Free Speech and Public Assembly on Campus Grounds

UNT Policy 18.4.8 was revised to limit expression on campus grounds to specified time periods and regulation of outdoor structures used for purposes of expressive speech to require advance reservation for use and to prohibit fully enclosed structures.  Effective 4/17/2012.


March, 2012

Endowments for Academic Positions

UNT Policy 7.4 was consolidated into policy 7.2, Fundraising and Private Support.  Deleted 3/30/2012.

Faculty Development Leave Policy and Guidelines

UNT Policy 15.1.11 has been non-substantively revised to require a summary report of the activities undertaken during the leave period to be submitted to the Development Leave Committee within six months after completion of the leave.  This is a change from the former four-month requirement.  Effective 3/30/2012.

Gifts To/From Endowments

UNT Policy 7.3 was consolidated into policy 7.2, Fundraising and Private Support.  Deleted 3/30/2012.

Prohibition of Camping on University Property

UNT Policy 18.1.24 was created to prohibit the use of university property for purposes unrelated to the regular programs and activities of the university.  Effective 3/15/2012.


February, 2012

Criminal History Background Checks

UNT Policy 1.2.17 was revised to consolidate UNT policy 1.2.16, Criminal History Background Checks, Faculty, in addition to establishing administrative procedures in support of policy objectives.  Effective 2/22/2012.


January, 2012

Code of Student Conduct

UNT Policy 18.1.11 was revised to comply with recent changes to Title IX.  Effective 1/31/2012.

Employment of Relatives (Nepotism Rule)

UNT Policy 1.2.6 was revised to comply with Regents Rule 05.300, Nepotism.  Effective 1/31/2012.

Open Access, Self-Archiving, and Long-Term Digital Stewardship for UNT Scholarly Works

UNT Policy 17.5 was created to provide free and unrestricted online access to scholarly works to enhance Federal, State, private, and public support of research and scholarship at UNT. Effective 1/31/2012.

Student Complaint Policy

UNT Policy 18.1.23 was created to provide students with a procedure for resolving complaints against UNT faculty, staff, and the university where no other formal process for resolution of complaints has been established.  Effective 1/10/2012.


December, 2011

Academic Common Market

Individual exemption policies related to Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code have been consolidated into new policy 2.2.10, Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees.  This policy has been deleted.

Children of Deceased and Missing Military Service Members

Individual exemption policies related to Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code have been consolidated into new policy 2.2.10, Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees.  This policy has been deleted.

Children of Disabled State Employees

Individual exemption policies related to Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code have been consolidated into new policy 2.2.10, Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees.  This policy has been deleted.

Children of Prisoners of War or Persons Missing in Action

Individual exemption policies related to Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code have been consolidated into new policy 2.2.10, Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees.  This policy has been deleted.

Deaf or Blind Student

Individual exemption policies related to Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code have been consolidated into new policy 2.2.10, Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees.  This policy has been deleted.

Employee Assistance Program

This policy is a benefit program and does not meet the definition of a policy.  The EAP will be referenced in any policies that are applicable and information regarding this program is located on the HR website under the EAP Toolkit.  This policy has been deleted.

Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees

This new UNT policy consolidates existing policies dealing with exemptions and waivers from tuition and fees defined in Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code.  By consolidating several policies into one, it will assist students/faculty/staff in locating information concerning waivers and exemptions.  This policy is effective 12/22/2011.

Fee Waivers--Off Campus Classes

Individual exemption policies related to Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code have been consolidated into new policy 2.2.10, Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees.  This policy has been deleted.

Good Neighbor Scholarship

Individual exemption policies related to Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code have been consolidated into new policy 2.2.10, Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees.  This policy has been deleted.

High School Honor Graduate

Individual exemption policies related to Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code have been consolidated into new policy 2.2.10, Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees.  This policy has been deleted.

Introduction to Human Resources (Personnel)

This policy does not meet the definition of a policy and has been deleted.

Out of State Tuition Waiver Faculty and Dependents

Individual exemption policies related to Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code have been consolidated into new policy 2.2.10, Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees.  This policy has been deleted.

Out of State Tuition Waiver/Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants and Dependents

Individual exemption policies related to Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code have been consolidated into new policy 2.2.10, Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees.  This policy has been deleted.
Outstanding Staff Awards

The Outstanding Staff Award is an employee recognition program and does not meet the definition of a policy.  Procedures have been developed for this program for guidance purposes.  This policy has been deleted.

Promotion, Transfer or Demotion

A new Salary Administration policy became effective 9/1/2010.  The accompanying procedures will be in conflict with this policy.  All necessary components of this policy will be covered in either the new Salary Administration Procedures or other existing HR policies.  This policy has been deleted.

Tuition and Fee Billing

Non-substantively revised to accurately reflect current policy and reduce the need for future changes to the policy by eliminating specific dollar amounts for delinquent fees.  This policy is effective 12/13/2011.

Veteran/Dependents Exemption

Individual exemption policies related to Chapter 54 of the Texas Education Code have been consolidated into new policy 2.2.10, Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees.  This policy has been deleted.


October, 2011

DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing of Commercial Drivers

Revised to correct and clarify procedures set forth in the policy.  Effective 10/1/2011.

Faculty/Staff/Retiree/Dependent Educational Scholarship

Revised to incorporate terminology referred to in Board of Regents Order 2010-13.  Specifically, "UNT System" is used to mean both UNT and the UNT Health Science Center.  Effective 10/19/2011.

Fundraising and Private Support

This policy was revised to consolidate policies 7.2, Fundraising and Support; 7.3, Gifts to/for Endowments; and 7.4, Endowments for Academic Position.  Effective 10/27/2011.

Graduate Fellowship/Research Assistantship Load Specifications

This revision will treat research assistants in the same manner as teaching assistants and teaching fellows regarding SCH (semester credit hour) enrollment as a condition of summer employment. Currently teaching assistants and teaching fellows are not required under analogous policy 15.1.27 to register for SCH in the summer as a condition of employment. This will ensure both equality of treatment and prevent students from enrolling in excessive SCH as a condition of employment rather than for pedagogical purposes.  Effective 10/10/2011

Grievance Policy

Significantly revised to correct and clarify procedures set forth in policy.  This policy revision closely mirrors the HSC policy.  Effective 10/18/2011.

Recruitment and Selection of Teaching Fellows and Teaching Assistants

This revision will treat teaching assistants and teaching fellows in the same manner as research assistants. The new language is taken verbatim from UNT policy 18.3.13. This will insure both equality of treatment between the two groups and prevent students from enrolling in excessive SCH as a condition of employment rather than for pedagogical purposes. This will also allow teaching assistants and teaching fellows to focus on preparation for and the taking of exams instead of enrolling in coursework that should already have been completed.  Effective 10/13/2011.

Seminars, Institutes, Faculty Assisted Registrations

The policy is deleted. The policy is outdated and no longer relevant.  Policy deletion effective 10/31/2011.


September, 2011

Accountholder Responsibility

Requires that all funds entrusted to and all financial transactions made by its employees shall be managed in accordance with applicable university policies and procedures.  Effective 9/22/2011.

Human Subjects Research Policy

This revised IRB policy is to update a seriously out-dated policy. This revision structurally mirrors the new policy developed for UNT-Dallas and approved by General Counsel. Effective 9/22/2011.

August, 2011

Animal Care and Use Policy

Non-substantively revised to more accurately reflect responsible party and correct titles.  Effective 8/31/2011.
Biosafety Policy

Non-substantive revision to update VP area responsible and update department names.  Effective 8/11/2011.
Budget Adjustments

Establishes guidelines for allowable departmental budget adjustments and defines specific restrictions for budget adjustments.  Effective 8/31/2011.

Export Controls

This newly developed policy ensures compliance with export control laws and regulations implemented by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce through its Export Administration Regulations (EAR), by the U.S. Dept. of State through its International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and by the U.S. Treasury Dept. through its Office of Foreign Assets Cotnrol (OFAC).  This policy is effective as of 8/19/2011.

Fees Related to Instruction

Outlines and defines the fees and other charges related to instruction for which statutory authority is provided to UNT.  Effective 8/31/2011.

FERPA Policy

In response to new federal interpretations, as well as to meet the needs of the University of North Texas faculty, staff and students, UNT has implemented a revised FERPA policy that is effective immediately.


Key changes to the policy affect many faculty and staff members who have access to students’ records.  Most notable of the changes are revisions to those items listed as “Directory Information,” which is information typically allowed to be released without student consent, unless the student has requested that their directory information be withheld. 

New DeptIDs

Title change from “New Accounts.” Establishes guidelines for creating new university deptids and requires compliance with established regulations for university funds.  Effective 8/31/2011.

Radiation Safety Policy

Non-substantive revision to update VP area of responsibility and minor edits to the procedures and responsibilities requested by the RSO.  Effective 8/11/2011.

July, 2011

Affiliated Entities

Affiliated Entities sets forth the rules governing the relationship between a private donor or an organization designed to further the mission and goals of the University of North Texas (UNT) and UNT and its employees, as required by Regents Rule 09.500 and section 2255.001 of the Texas Government Code. This policy establishes the framework within which the UNT will work with affiliated organizations.  This policy is effective as of 7/21/2011.


June, 2011

Credit Hour Policy

New policy created to ensure compliance with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board legislation 34 CFR 600.2.  Effective 6/30/2011.


March, 2011

Research Misconduct

Revised to comply with the research misconduct requirements of the U.S. Public Health Service, 42 CFR Part 93; the National Science Foundation (NSF 05-131, Ch. IX, Research Misconduct, 930-933); the Office of Science and Technology (Fed. Research Misconduct Policy 65 Fed. Reg. 76,260; and any other applicable research misconduct requirements of agencies or entities providing research funding to UNT.  Effective 3/2/2011.

December, 2010

Art in Public Places

The newly developed policy establishes a process to review, approve, maintain, and remove permanent or long-term art installed in public places on the University’s campus. The policy is effective as of 12/6/2010.


November, 2010

Award Management of Sponsored Projects

The newly developed policy sets out requirements related to the award management of sponsored projects. The policy is effective as of 11/19/2010.
Grants and Contracts Related to Sponsored Projects

The newly developed policy sets forth requirements related to the negotiation and acceptance of grants and contracts related to or arising from sponsored project efforts. The policy is effective as of 11/19/2010.
Proposal Submission to External Sponsors

The newly developed policy sets out requirements for faculty and staff members engaged in sponsored project activities. The policy is effective as of 11/19/2010.
Recovery and Distribution of Facilities and Administration Funds

The newly developed policy sets forth institutional requirements related to recovery and distribution of Facilities and Administration (F&A) funds. The policy is effective as of 11/19/2010.
Sponsored Projects

The newly developed policy sets forth procedures and responsibilities for faculty and staff members engaged in sponsored project activities. The policy is effective as of 11/19/2010.

October, 2010

Research Intellectual Property

The policy is revised to reflect the University's established peer review process for selecting patentable technologies. Revisions to this policy are effective as of 10/28/2010.


September, 2010

Cash Handling Controls

 The policy is revised to clarify the responsibilities of each university department that accepts cash for university business. Additionally, all guidelines and internal administrative procedures have been removed from the policy and transferred to a document maintained by Student Accounting & University Cashiering. Revisions to this policy are effective 9/30/2010.
Salary Administration - Staff

The policy is revised to reflect the University's established compensation structure for regular staff. Revisions are effective 9/17/2010. 


August, 2010

Charter of the Faculty Senate

The policy is revised as of 8/2010. Please see policy for details.

Endowment Policy

The policy was approved by the Board of Regents with no changes on 8/19/2010.

Investment Policy

The policy was approved by the Board of Regents with no changes on 8/19/2010. Annually, the policy is submitted as a submission to the Board for approval, in accordance with Regents Rule 10.100.

Use of University Non-Wireless and Wireless Telephones, Telephone Lines, Fax Machines and Personal Computing Devices

The policy is revised to make provisions for a new class of devices, termed “personal computing devices,” that appear on the market and which university personnel and units wish to purchase. The Apple iPad, for example, is highly popular and the University needs a policy to address reimbursement issues regarding the purchase of such devices and related costs.

The  policy generally applies the same rules for the purchase of personal computing devices and data plans that have been in place (and continue to be in place) for cell phones. For those faculty, staff, and student employees who use the cell phone/personal computing devices for official university business, as described in the policy, the University will provide: 1) an allowance up to 50 percent of the cost of a personal computing device with a maximum  allowance of $150; 2)  up to $40 per month for a data plan for either a cell phone or a PCD, but not both; and 3) a reimbursement for the purchase of software for personal computing devices. Revisions to this policy are effective 8/10/2010.


July, 2010

Emergency Student Loan Program

The policy is revised to reflect changes to state law allowing the University the option to charge students who borrow money through the loan program: 1) an origination fee of not more than 1.25 percent of the amount of the loan or 2) interest on the loan at a rate of not more than five (5) percent per year. Beginning in fall 2010, the policy authorizes the Student Accounting and University Cashier Services to charge a one-time 1 percent origination fee on all emergency student loans, in lieu of charging a five (5) percent annual percentage rate for these emergency loans. Revisions to this policy are effective 7/6/2010.

Military Leave

The policy [formerly named "Military Leave Employees (Annual or Short Term)" policy] is revised to reflect the University's commitment to comply with the requirements of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). USERRA protects the job rights of employees who are called to active duty or authorized training with the Armed Forces of the United States. The revision combines this policy and the superseded UNT Policy 1.4.9, Military Leave (Extended) Reinstatement of Veterans into one comprehensive policy. The revision is effective 7/14/2010.

Military Leave (Extended) Reinstatement of Veterans

The policy is deleted. Pertinent content for the policy is combined with revised UNT Policy 1.4.8, Military Leave. The deletion is effective 7/14/2010.


June, 2010

Accounting System Coding Procedures

The policy is deleted. The policy provided a statement regarding the need for the appropriate coding of expenditures. Help with coding is available through Purchasing and Payment Services. The deletion is effective 6/22/2010.

Check Cashing

The policy is deleted.The Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services department no longer provides check cashing service. Employees may still cash personal checks at the Union. The deletion is effective 6/22/2010.

Claims Accounting Department

The policy is deleted. The policy provided only a description of the Purchasing and Payment Services (PPS) Department and details on the duties and responsibilities of the PPS Assistant Director and PPS Senior Associate Director. The deletion is effective 6/22/2010.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) of Salary

The policy is deleted. The policy provided details on the Electronic Funds Transfer of an employee’s salary which allows paychecks to be automatically deposited into the employee’s designated account on payday. This information is already available on the Human Resources (HR) and Purchasing and Payment Services (PPS) websites.The Authorization Agreement For Electronic Funds Transfer of Salary Form is available on the HR website, in the New Hire Process section.   Information related to reimbursements through travel or ePro requisitions by means of an electronic funds transfer is located on the PPS website .The deletion is effective 6/22/2010.



Office Supply Center

The policy is deleted. The Office Supply operation has been terminated on campus. The deletion is effective 6/22/2010.

Payroll Deadlines

The policy is deleted. The policy provided procedural information on deadlines for submitting employee timesheets and supplemental payrolls. This information already exists on the Human Resources website. The deletion is effective 6/22/2010.

Unemployment Compensation Insurance Program

The policy is deleted. The policy contained information on benefits for employees who are ending employment with the University. In lieu of the policy, a section on unemployment compensation has been added to the Ending Employment section of the Human Resources website. The deletion is effective 6/22/2010.


May, 2010

Bylaws of the Federation of North Texas Area Universities

The policy is deleted. Federation Bylaws are now maintained by the Texas Woman's University. Approval for any revisions to the Federation Bylaws are enacted by vote of the Federation Council--now comprised of graduate deans or provost designees of the three Federation universities: Texas A&M Commerce, Texas Woman's University, and the University of North Texas. The official Federation Bylaws are located on the TWU website.  The deletion is effective as of 5/3/2010.

Contributions to Charitable Organizations

The policy is deleted. The policy provided information on voluntary employee participation in the State Employees Charitable Campaign (SECC). Detailed information on the UNT SECC campaign may be found on the SECC website. The deletion is effective as of 5/12/2010.

Exit Meeting and Termination Clearance

The policy is deleted. The policy contained procedural information on conducting exit meetings and final termination clearance for faculty and staff that leave UNT due to retirement, resignation, dismissal, layoff, or other form of termination. Information regarding retirement and ending employment already exists on the HR website in the Managers and Supervisors Toolkit.


Graduate Student Council

The policy is deleted. The charter/bylaw for the Graduate Student Council may be found under the "Charters & Bylaws" section of the University Policy Office website. The deletion is effective as of 5/3/2010.

Human Resources Department
The policy is deleted. The policy contained descriptive information about the role of the Human Resources Department. Information about the HR Department may be found on the HR website. The deletion is effective as of 5/12/2010.
Procedural and Content Guidelines for Providing Recommendations and References

The policy is deleted. The policy provided details on addressing inquiries related to faculty, staff, or student recommendations and references. This information already exists in section 5 of UNT Policy 1.3.3, Employee Information and Personal Data. The deletion is effective as of 5/12/2010.

Reemployment and Reinstatement

The policy is deleted. The policy provided the procedures and criteria to reemploy and reinstate former UNT employees. These items are already covered in other HR  policies (e.g., sick leave, vacation, military leave,  retirement, etc.), including specific procedures for reemployment and reinstatement. The deletion is effective as of 5/12/2010.

TIP$ Suggestion Program (Top Ideas for Productive Savings)

The policy is deleted. The policy provided information about the TIP$ program, which is designed to allow employees an opportunity to share ideas for improved operations and to be recognized for their contributions. Information on this program already exists on the HR website in the Employee Recognition Toolkit The deletion is effective as of 5/12/2010.

University Ombuds

The policy (formerly "Faculty Ombudsman") is revised to reflect a resource, now available to all UNT employees, to informally raise and address work-related concerns with the University Ombuds. The policy defines key terms (e.g., confidential, independent, and informally) and provides the responsibilities of the University Ombuds. Revisions to this policy are effective as of 5/3/2010.


April, 2010

Course and Curriculum Development

 The policy is revised to include a statement regarding the University’s established procedures for approving substantive changes to its academic programs and ensuring timely notification to the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

 As a standard for accreditation, SACS approval is required before the University may initiate any substantive change. Substantive change is defined by SACS as a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution. The University’s SACS Liaison (Dr. Allen Clark) is responsible for developing and implementing procedures necessary to ensure compliance with SACS requirements. Revisions to this policy are effective as of 4/7/2010.



February, 2010

Annual Campus Safety Report

The Jeanne Clery Act requires colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses. The policy (formerly "Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act") is revised to include greater detail on how the University compiles and prepares its annual crime security awareness report/brochure. Revisions to this policy are effective as of 2/23/2010.

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