UNT System

UNT System

Internal Audit

ethical standards & vision statement

Ethical Standards

The Internal Audit Department of the University of North Texas is committed to creating a work environment that promotes organizational excellence. As such, the Department functions in accordance with the Texas Internal Auditing Act, Government Code Chapter 2102. Furthermore, the Department recognizes the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) as its professional and authoritative source. The internal audit program at UNT conforms to the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, the Institute of Internal Auditors Code of Ethics, Generally Accepted Governmental Auditing Standards, and the University’s Ethics Policy. In addition, Department members, associated with various professional organizations, adhere to the standards, statements, and ethics of those professional organizations and the community as a whole.

Vision Statement

UNT's internal audit professionals play many roles: auditor, consultant, advisor, facilitator, listener, teacher, and administrator. In these roles, all of our activities are directed toward helping you, our client, achieve your goals. Our focus is on the future. Although we look at how you have done things in the past and how you are doing things today, we use this information to help you make improvements so that you can manage even more effectively.

We understand that you may have concerns about working with us. The word "auditor" sometimes conjures up unwarranted fears in people's minds. Our experience shows, however, that most clients who were initially fearful about their operations being audited have been surprised to find that we welcome client participation in the audit process and that we are much more interested in helping a department operate well in the future than we are ferreting out past mistakes.

The audit process is most effective when you, as our client, are actively involved in helping us understand the results you are endeavoring to accomplish.

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