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Library Catalog Database of all Lewis Library physical holdings: books, media, models, charts, and special collections. Also includes e-books and links to some of our electronic journals (but not all).
New Books & Media View monthly lists of new materials added to Lewis Library's book and media collections.  The lists are organized by subject, with available RSS feeds to alert you when new materials are added. 
UNTHSC Scholarly Repository Online collection of UNTHSC publications, including theses and dissertations, faculty bibliographies, research papers and posters, the Primary Care Research Journal, Annual Reports, and more.  Also includes historical medical books.
Research by Subject A collection of research guides for subjects commonly researched at UNTHSC. These are created and maintained by UNTHSC librarians with the help of other faculty members.
Interlibrary Loan If the item you are looking for is not available in Lewis Library, the Library staff can try to borrow the item from another library. Alternatively, we can help you find a copy in another area library and provide a TexShare Card for borrowing.







Page last updated on June 06, 2012