Welcome to IT Shared Services

Welcome to IT Shared Services!
IT Shared Services (ITSS) is part of the Finance Division of The University of North Texas System. The mission of ITSS is simple: To be the best at delivering customer-aligned IT solutions and services. Services are provided to all member institutions using an IT shared services governance model.

CRM Online Marketing Expands to UNT International Admissions

On June 25th, the UNT International Admissions and Recruiting Office went live with the first phase of their new CRM Online Marketing implementation.

Revisions Approved for IT Program Management Committee Charter

The IT Program Management Committee (ITPMC) Charter was revised and approved July 25th,. The most substantive changes in the revisions are new quorum rules and new voting rules.


I know that "urgent" and "time critical" have historically had relatively little meaning unless it was related to the beginning/ending of a semester or some similar date-definite event on a campus. Today, the term urgent means "get it done now not later". We have been told to "keep the pedal to the floorboard and not let up on the gas". I cannot stress enough the need for action. We cannot be bogged down in analysis paralysis or long-cycle decision making.
