Rep. Walter Jones

Rep. Walter Jones


Congressman Walter B. Jones represents the Third Congressional District of North Carolina

Eastern North Carolina ·

Happy to be an original cosponsor of H. Res. 814, expressing opposition to the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.

One of my legislative initiatives, a privately funded national monument for military working dogs, will soon be reality

Recently I had the honor of participating in a ceremony in honor of war hero Chuck Runion's service in the US Navy

The Fed’s announcement of QE3 (aka Moneyprinting 3) will not work and will only serve to further harm the dollar and hard working Americans.

Scenes from around the middle east are yet more proof that we should cut off all foreign aid. I'm happy to have always opposed foreign aid.

Glad to hear that the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Comm has agreed to implement my request for greater transparency

DoD awards $370 mil contract to Jordanian Air Force to provide language & aviation training to Iraq. What is going on?

Congress has passed legislation to provide benefits to Marines/families affected by contaminated water at Camp Lejeune

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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