Chaka Fattah

Chaka Fattah


U.S. Congressman serving 9th term from PA's 2nd District. Member of House Appropriations Committee. Ranking Member Commerce, Justice, Science.

Philly/Washington D.C. ·


Obama Leads in Military Donors - Based on reporting from the Center for Responsive Politics through September fundra...

You are responsible for your life, and doing the best at this moment puts u in the best place 4 the next moment. -Oprah

Bob Beckel 1 vs 4 everyday,how weak intellectually is the conservative position ? If on your home court you need 4 on 1 to argue your side.

Just finished my annual Northwest Educators Roundtable with principals and officials from Lincoln, Cheyney, Arcadia, LaSalle and the SSHE.

Dr. Potti discovered how to match chemotherapy with a patient’s own genetic makeup -- “the holy grail of cancer” therapy.

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