Politics and pensions: Where hope goes to die

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Published on Oct 25, 2012 by

When President Barack Obama ran in 2008, an aspect of his platform was protecting pensions . . . unfortunately for Delphi's non-union retirees the President ACTUALLY meant that he would protect only union pensions. Revealing Politics interviews retirees who are living with the ramifications of Obama's broken promises.


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  • Obamanomics: Only unions that launder money for Obama and the Dems get pensions.

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  • So sad for the 20,000 Delphi retirees who got a taste of how this government regards pensions of non-union workers.

    Other workers got hurt in the GM cramdown. Many had GM secured bonds in their 401k plan, because they were not fortunate enough to work at a company which provided a retirement plan. These Americans got 10 cents on the dollar in the cramdown. I know because 10% of my 401K plan went poof after those involved trampled on commercial bankruptcy law rights.

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  • this is terrible but over 1 million auto jobs were saved ....that was huge...and sorry the jobs didnt go to China...

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  • If I didn't find too many other republican values revolting, this article might have swayed me.

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  • I guess Obama forgot about those Delphi folks with live in OH and MI. Whoopsy!

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  • More Jobs In CHINA THAN HERE ! What a Liar ! I do not know how anyone can not see what is going on here.................

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  • Crickets from Ed Schultz down at the alphabet network.

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  • GM is a zombie.

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  • wow, what a jerk. i'm not surprised he can't help his daughter with her 9th grade math homework.

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