European Union-United States Atlantis Program

Current Section
 Office of Postsecondary Education Home
Applicant Information


Current competition: FY 2011 - Cancelled.

CANCELLATION NOTICE: On April 1, 2011 a notice was published in the Federal Register inviting applications for new awards under the European Union-United States Atlantis Program for FY 2011. The notice announced “an estimated $2,000,000 for this competition. The actual level of funding, if any, depends on final congressional action. However, we are inviting applications to allow enough time to complete the grant process, if Congress appropriates funds for this program.”

Congressional action on the FY 2011 budget substantially reduced funds available for grants from the Title VII Programs, including new grants under the EU Atlantis Program. Therefore, no new awards will be made under the EU Atlantis Program in FY 2011.

Federal Register Notices

Current Application

The FY 2011 grant competition has been cancelled.

Application Contact

Tanyelle Richardson
International and Foreign Language Education Service
European Union-United States Atlantis Program
1990 K Street, N.W., Room 6017
Washington, DC 20006-8544
Telephone: (202) 502-7626

Express Mail Delivery* Only
Tanyelle Richardson
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
European Union-United States Atlantis Program
K Street Location, Room 6017
Washington DC 20202
Telephone: (202) 502-7626

* Effective April 8, 2011 all express mail packages must be sent to a central U. S. Department of Education location for security screening and tracking before transfer to other headquarters buildings. Please direct express mail packages being delivered to program by UPS, FedEx, DSL, and similar carriers to the express mail address indicated.

If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), you may call the Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 1-800-877-8339.


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Last Modified: 07/25/2011