
Proud to observe American Indian & Alaska Native Heritage month. NM’s Native pueblos, tribes, and nations are key to our heritage and future

The Gulf produces 28% of US domestic oil. Increased energy production in Gulf = new jobs & more stable energy...

The Gulf produces 28% of US domestic oil. Increased energy production in Gulf = new jobs & more stable energy...

Great meeting with Ontario County Commissioner of Public Works Bill Wright–we need to address infrastructure crisis in America and we will!

Just toured African Development Center, good resource for Minnesota's immigrant community helping entrepreneurs

Republicans aren't against hiking tax rates b/c of one man or pledge. We're against hiking rates b/c it's bad for the economy & kills jobs.

I wanted to remind you that enrollment for is now available through December 7th. For details please visit:

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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