It’s the Circle of Lights

When I just wrote the subject to this blog I was thinking “The Circle of Life” from The Lion King. See… You are going to have that song in your head now! Friday evening was the 50th Circle of Lights celebration in Downtown Indianapolis. Though I am a native to the city, I had never been. I helped out the guys at and I have to say the experience was amazing and something that I will do again. I have no idea how I had never been!

The evening was hosted by Kevin Gregory of RTV6 and featured almost a dozen singers and performers. One of the really nice things about Indy is that we are a very talented and creative community. Performers included Kim Tabor, The Hollowell Sisters, Extreme Movement Project, Angela Brown, Tony and Tyler Jonas, Chaz Robinson, and The Mt. Pleasant Christian Church Band.

The night of course was capped off with the arrival of Mr. Claus himself and the lighting of The Monument Circle Tree with Mayor Greg Ballard and Congressman Andre Carson.

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