
Republicans aren't against hiking tax rates b/c of one man or pledge. We're against hiking rates b/c it's bad for the economy & kills jobs.

We have got to get to the root of the problem: stop digging this hole in terms of spending money we don't have.

Please tune in! RT : Joining me today Kevin McCarthy. We'll discuss avoiding fiscal cliff. 4PM ET

Raising tax rates is not something that is good for this economy– or that will help grow jobs.

Thomas Jefferson: "I'd rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those atte

Headed on America's Newsroom with to talk Israel, taxes and the fiscal cliff! Tune in on .

The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree arrives today - This year the 65 ft. tree comes courtesy of Colorado:

Zdá se, že načítání trvá déle.

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