
Small Businesses Concerned Over Fiscal Cliff

by KREX News Room
by Amanda Brandeis

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. Uncertainty is in the air, as questions about the fiscal cliff remain unanswered. A scientific poll revealed that strong majorities of small business owners expressed concerns about nearly every fiscal cliff issue they were asked about.

Time is running out, Congress and the president have until years end to agree on a plan to reduce the deficit.

Owner of Colorady Baby, Megan Reinersten, said, "To a degree it's the big elephant in the room, I feel like people are walking on egg shells right now, kind of wondering, what's next what's going to happen?"

The so-called fiscal cliff is a series of tax increases and budget cuts that would go into effect January 1 if no decision can be made.

Ron Maupin, owner of A Haggle of Vendors Emporium, said, "Possibly it would affect every business because people would have to be paying more in taxes and probably would not have as much disposable income to be shopping."

"As a small business we don't have a lot of room for expenses and also when the economies hurting it's going to hurt us as well," Reinersten said.

A recent small business poll revealed more than six in 10 are worried about funding reductions for the small business loan and counseling programs.

Chris Brown, owner of Brown's Cycles, said, "Things are really really tight with credit, so if you have inventory on the floor you can sell it, you can use that. But if you need to borrow 15-20,000 bucks to bring stuff in, it's really really tight."

Some small business owners are worried about the impact of tax increases on their employees and customers.

Reinersten said, "If their incomes are decreased then they're not going to be spending as much money."

However, some business owners say they have faith in our politicians.

"I believe in the Congress and the President that they will get this solved, it's not good for the country," Maupin said.

"Just taking it day by day, you know. You sell something, you pay a bill, you sell something you pay a bill and that's just going to be the way it is for a little bit. We'll get through it, we'll figure it out," said Brown.

These business owners are hoping for some certainty going into the future, but know anything can happen come January 1.

For more on the small business poll, click here.

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worried said today at 9:17 AM

Lol, why are you Conservatives so friggin slow! I mean really, you can't even research basic history! In God we Trust was never on paper money till 1956, it was however on minted coinage. This division of why it should be on money in the first place has been challenged in court several times and is said to violate the division of church and State! "Separationists contend that the motto's placement on money constitutes a "law respecting an establishment of religion" by the government, thus violating the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment and the Separation of church and state." As for Obama not covering his Heart during the pledge? I have never seen this! Please stop watching Fox News, it's polluting your brain with misguided intent!

LOL said yesterday at 10:44 PM

Worried, God Bless Obama funny how you say that!!! Obama will not cover his hart during a pledge and I remember when he wanted to have "GOD" removed off our money!!!!

Disgusted said yesterday at 7:16 PM

16 Trillion dollars of debt is not saving this country. Destroying the coal industry is not saving this country. Lying about what happened in Benghazi is not saving this country. Satin? I wouldn't even call him burlap! Just a man like the rest of us. Frankly anybody who has had a newspaper route or hot dog stand is much more qualified to be president than this train wreck! But I will let you get back to worshipping your shrine and mindless chanting "Yes we can, change change change."

worried said yesterday at 2:15 PM

Disgusted' it's exactly that kind thinking that has sunk your party " look a little farther south" is that a reference to Obama being satin? You don't have to look to far in GJ to find this kind of nonsense, your kind will never get it. And yes God bless Obama for saving this Country from the wing-nuts bent on destroying it.

Disgusted said on Saturday, Nov 24 at 8:07 PM

Sorry Worried, you are thanking the wrong deity for Obama. Better look a lil more south. When Obummercare hits full throttle, this country is finished. Don't believe me? Check with the C.B.O.

worried said on Saturday, Nov 24 at 1:22 PM

Tell me Truth, just who said last election that they would do everything in there power to make Obama a one term president, here's a clue, it wasn't the Democrats now was it? This is what happens when you have extreme pro rich Republicans and a crazy Tea Party! You get this, now when the top Republicans in congress are jumping off the sinking Grover Noquest pledge ship you should take the hint! You all were full of yourselves and totally wrong about the direction the Country is going. We don't ever want to see your kind of politics again, thank god for Obama!

The Truth said on Saturday, Nov 24 at 1:06 PM

I think the government is so divided right now, on one hand the conservatives don't want new taxes. The liberals want to tax and spend to oblivion. And at the head of the table is our so called commander and chief, who won't work with anyone. If something isn't done the United States as we know it will cease to exist. It's truly a sad day in this country. I think we need to spot spending money we don't have, generate revenue responsibly and get rid of the obstructionists on both sides, before it's to late.

worried said on Saturday, Nov 24 at 12:40 PM

You all can thank the obstructionist Conservative Tea Party Republicans that want to protect the filthy rich for you concerns! You get what you deserve and that a fact!

Disgusted said on Saturday, Nov 24 at 8:50 AM

Hmmmm. Elections have consequences. How about that?

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