Airmen’s Heroic Acts Featured


Climbing a glacier for 24 straight hours, delivering medical care while taking enemy fire or chasing an armed murderer through a crowded airport; these are the actions of some of the 20 Airmen featured in the latest volume of Portraits in Courage.

As the Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley announced today at the opening ceremony of Air Force Week New York City, the Portraits in Courage series highlights Airmen who display bravery and determination in the face of especially challenging or dangerous circumstances. 

Their stories can be read at

“These exceptional Airmen persisted through extraordinary circumstances, confronted unforeseen dangers and surmounted seemingly impossible challenges, all to accomplish their missions, and often saving the lives of others in the process,” wrote former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz and Chief Master Sgt. James Roy, the chief master sergeant of the Air Force in the volumes preface.