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Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)

Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) is the congressionally authorized process the Department of Defense (DoD) has used to reorganize its installation structure to more efficiently and effectively support our forces, increase operational readiness, and facilitate new ways of doing business.

Through five BRAC rounds since 1988, the Air Force has closed 40 Air Force installations throughout the United States. The Air Force Civil Engineer Center's BRAC Program Management division executes the disposal of Air Force BRAC property to recover asset value, achieve early property disposal, and early environmental resolution. BPM partners with local communities, private industry and other federal entities to complete environmental responsibilities and promote economic opportunities for sustainable development across the country. The 30 whole base transfers have returned an estimated 79,000 acres to communities for redevelopment. Actions are handled from Lackland AFB offices at AFCEC, four operating locations and the Western Regional Execution Center.

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