Todd Rokita

Todd Rokita


Todd Rokita, U.S. Representative in the 4th District of Indiana

Indiana ·

Happy Thanksgiving from the Rokita family to yours. What are you thankful for this year?

House passes bill I cosponsored giving Permanent Normal Trade Relations to Russia. Read how it helps Hoosier workers:

Meritor announced that they are consolidating N. American operations in Plainfield. 82 great new Hoosier :

An Afghan translator helped Hoosiers & U.S. troops, & now is on the run frm the Taliban. Here's how I'm trying to help:

Happy Veterans Day to all who have served. If you haven't done so yet, say a prayer of gratitude for them and be sure to thank a veteran.

Happy 237th birthday, ! I join all Hoosiers in honoring the brave and selfless service of our Marines.

For businesses, obligations and liabilities are shown right on the front of their financial statements. But for long-term federal...

On Friday, I spoke to more than 100 members of the Indiana CPA Society at their Leadership Cabinet/Emerging Leaders Alliance annual...

On my way to Plainfield to speak to the Rotary Club. Looking forward to a good discussion on spending/debt/entitlement reform!

Major congratulations to West Lafayette HS faculty/staff/students on top-20 national ranking for STEM education:

Excellent visit today w/ 15 members of the Montgomery Co. biz community at my business roundtable in Crawfordsville.

Yükleme biraz zaman alacak gibi görünüyor.

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