Todd Rokita

Todd Rokita


Todd Rokita, U.S. Representative in the 4th District of Indiana

Indiana ·

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Happy Thanksgiving from the Rokita family to yours. What are you thankful for this year?

House passes bill I cosponsored giving Permanent Normal Trade Relations to Russia. Read how it helps Hoosier workers:

Meritor announced that they are consolidating N. American operations in Plainfield. 82 great new Hoosier :

An Afghan translator helped Hoosiers & U.S. troops, & now is on the run frm the Taliban. Here's how I'm trying to help:

Happy Veterans Day to all who have served. If you haven't done so yet, say a prayer of gratitude for them and be sure to thank a veteran.

Happy 237th birthday, ! I join all Hoosiers in honoring the brave and selfless service of our Marines.

Missed the newest Rokita Report? Click here to read it, and sign up to receive future editions:

For businesses, obligations and liabilities are shown right on the front of their financial statements. But for long-term federal...

On Friday, I spoke to more than 100 members of the Indiana CPA Society at their Leadership Cabinet/Emerging Leaders Alliance annual...

On my way to Plainfield to speak to the Rotary Club. Looking forward to a good discussion on spending/debt/entitlement reform!

Major congratulations to West Lafayette HS faculty/staff/students on top-20 national ranking for STEM education:

Excellent visit today w/ 15 members of the Montgomery Co. biz community at my business roundtable in Crawfordsville.

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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