Matt Lewis On the State of the Speakership

UPDATE: Did you miss this segment? Click HERE for the podcast.


In a recent column, writer and commentator Matt Lewis likened House Speaker John Boehner to a cat herder, and said this of the Speakership post:

“The position was once powerful and revered. Today, it’s a mostly thankless job that consists of lots of responsibility, but little power. It’s almost like going from being a rodeo cowboy to a rodeo clown — all in the span of a generation.”

Lewis, a Senior Contributor to the Daily Caller and columnist for The Week joins us this morning to discuss.

For all things Matt Lewis click HERE.

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A Chat with Congressman Jeb Hensarling

As the fiscal cliff draws near — and the GOP-led House works toward a solution — we welcome Congressman Jeb Hensarling to discuss where things currently stand.

Congressman Jeb Hensarling

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The Next Time You’re Scolded for Writing “Xmas”

… have your accuser click HERE for a message from Mark.

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Call of the Day

Sometimes the best calls involve listeners making two kinds of points — one from the category of things I will never accept, the other from the list of points which are pretty reasonable.  Enjoy Dave from Frisco as he takes us on a journey about liberty and security:

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Erick Erickson is Not Happy

Did you catch this segment? Click HERE for the podcast!

… and he joins us this morning at 8:35amCT to explain why.

Read his latest HERE.

Erick Erickson

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Jason Whitlock: The Other Side

If a guy we have publicly criticized for craziness on gun issues is actually quite right on a couple of other issues, it seems we should give credit where it is due. So, here is columnist Jason Whitlock making great points about hip-hop’s damaging effect on black culture… and even better points about Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the necessity to avoid wallowing in victimhood:


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NFL Tragedy Energizes Gun Grabbers – Mark’s Latest Video Blog

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Sunday Night Football Gets Political

UPDATE: Did you catch Ted Nugent on this morning’s show? Here’s the podcast!

Bob Costas caused quite the stir last night as he read from a recent Jason Whitlock column essentially blaming our gun culture for the tragic murder-suicide involving Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher.

We’re discussing this morning:

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Drawing the Line On Taxes – Mark’s Latest Video Blog

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Mark’s Latest Townhall Column: No Time to Give Up in the Fiscal Fight

Click HERE.

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