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The Braidwood Journal, 3-18-09: Congressional Delegation promotes new VA hospital

The Braidwood Journal
March 18, 2009
Staff Report

Just over one year ago, Jim Canup of Braidwood came to the Braidwood City Council with a request: Support the establishment of a VA Hospital on the current site of Silver Cross Hospital in Joliet.
After a year of promoting the idea and gaining support from area towns, county boards and local legislative leaders, the idea was finally brought to the attention of the U.S. Secretary of Veteran's Affairs. Joined by several other members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation, U.S. Representative Judy Biggert, R-IL-13th, met with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki to discuss ways to improve services provided to Chicago-area veterans. During a meeting at the North Chicago VA Medical Center, she petitioned the new Secretary to consider converting the Silver Cross Hospital in Joliet into a veteran care facility.
"[This] meeting was a great chance to bring this important local priority to the Secretary's attention," said Biggert. "He was very open to listening to ideas, and I think he understands that we in the delegation are committed to working together to improve care for veterans here in Illinois. These are benefits we owe to those who risked their lives in defense of the freedoms we enjoy."
Currently, Silver Cross Hospital is scheduled to close in 2012 and move its operations to a new facility in New Lenox. Local members of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) have advocated for the building to become a VA medical facility in order to improve the quality and accessibility of veterans' health services in the area. Silver Cross Hospital officials have expressed openness to the idea.
"Silver Cross represents a rare opportunity to vastly improve the quality of care provided to veterans in our community," said Canup, the Commander of American Legion Koca Post 39 in Braidwood, and Chairman of the Silver Cross VA Hospital Committee. "This is an idea worth pursuing, and I'm grateful that our local representatives are encouraging the VA to consider it."
Canup said that currently, the thousands of veterans in Will and Grundy counties must drive all the way to Hines VA Hospital in Chicago for treatment. Canup said that facility is overcrowded and outdated, and the drive alone can be too much for some vets to handle. A closer facility could mean improved care for those who have sacrificed for their country.
Other topics discussed included concerns that local veterans have raised about issues ranging from finding parking to bed shortages to long commutes to VA facilities for many seeking care. They also spoke about the importance of providing enough resources to ensure that soldiers coming home from overseas get all the benefits they have earned.
"Especially in this tough economic climate, returning soldiers deserve our full support," said Biggert.
While Canup started the effort to convert Silver Cross into a VA Hospital with the support of the city of Braidwood, he and a group of volunteers, made up of members of the American Legion, the 8th District of the VFW, members of the Disabled Veterans of America and a few members of the general public, eventually gained the support the Will and Grundy County Boards, as well as the city and village councils of Braidwood, Wilmington, Lockport, Morris, Diamond, Joliet and Symerton. Canup has also been asked by U.S. Representative Debbie Halvorson to sit on an advisory committee.
Canup encouraged the general public to aid the process. People can write or e-mail their state and local leaders in support of the switch. Anyone wishing to express their opinion about the establishment of a VA Hospital in Joliet is encouraged to write or call their legislative leaders.