


Representing Texas in the Senate Since 2002.

Austin, Texas ·

We've made an offer. Now waiting on Presidential leadership. “: so what do you plan to do about it, Senator?”

Rs have offered revenue. POTUS has proposed nothing to address deficit, debt, and a plan to save SS and MC

Lincoln: do makers claim it is history or just a good story, i.e., "historical fiction," oxymoron that the phrase is?

Congrats to the Texans “: Senator, there is room on the Texans bandwagon. Greetings from GOP Precinct 106 Chair.”

Great comeback but fell a little short. RGIII had grt game “: what do the need to do to become great again?”

Trent Lott (R) and George Mitchell (D), both former Senate Majority Leaders, reflect on what it takes to get...

Hamas fires rockets at Israel for three years. Silence. Israel finally has enough and fights back. And NOW the world says, "Cease Fire."

Enjoyed joining students this morning from South Side Independent School District in preparing for the 33rd...

Enjoyed helping prep for 33rd Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving dinner with Patricia Jimenez and volunteers from South Side HS and Wells Fargo

"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away." -- Elvis Presley (1935-1977)...

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