Dana Rohrabacher

Dana Rohrabacher


U.S. Congressman representing CA-48. Former speechwriter for President Reagan. Surfer and father of 8 year old triplets.

Huntington Beach, CA · http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Dana-Rohrabacher/78476240421

Top 5 percent pay 40 percent of taxes. is that not a fair share? Redistribution always ends up making everybody poorer & less free

we borrow $ to give to governments that hate us and to provide healthcare, Ed & other benefits to illegals, thus more come

One war, Iraq, horrible mistake. Afghan mishandled but necessary. F-22 not F-35 was shameful. Drones R cost effective

We need to look at every alternative & use the best ideas & different approaches to bring down level of deficit spending.

Anyone spending own $ to help others anywhere is a hero. Anyone borrowing $ from China & expecting us to repay is our enemy

Top five percent pay 40 percent of taxes. Who is not paying fair share? People who get benefits but haven't paid taxes

First cuts should be cronies, illegals, foreign aid. After that cut subsidies to business and get the fed gov out of Ed

We must bring down level of deficit spending or it will destroy currency & bring down our economy. Cut off illegals first

Thanks 4 realizing U can respect, even like, people with whom U strongly disagree. Engaging such folks is good 4 one's mind

Sanders is a good friend of mine but that doesn't make him any less a socialist, at least he's more honest about it than Obama

U R Right. evident ways to cut deficit w/out raising taxes: Too much waste, to many crony subsidies& expense of policing world

This president has not bothered. To work with the Senate, which his party controls, to present a budget in then last 4 years

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