Dana Rohrabacher

Dana Rohrabacher


U.S. Congressman representing CA-48. Former speechwriter for President Reagan. Surfer and father of 8 year old triplets.

Huntington Beach, CA · http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Dana-Rohrabacher/78476240421

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how stupid 4 group 2 vilify drone supporters but can't explain Y worse than cheaper fixed wing & helio alternatives

60 minute interview specifically asked rad Islamic Terrorists? No answer? 6 days later Rice adamant on news: movie rage

we will find out. This whole thing is so much murkier than Watergate, people dead, lies, coverup,stonewalling, eventually perjury

new line for Obamaistas: deny he ever ignored Rad Islamic terrorism & blamed movie rage, this insult will make it worse

Ur mind closed. U now trying 2 turn national debate on its head by denying what it's been all about: Obama blaming movie rage

Yep U got no shame, trying to convince us Obama, Rice & co. did not blame movie rage. Ur Orwellian rants don't erase memory.

yes self evident terrorist attack but Obama spent 95 o/o time focused on movie rage, U now quote the 5 o/o of Obama's reaction

Wise awake during hearings, but U in dreamland if U now try to convince us Obama didn't lie because he didn't blame movie rage

Obama never blamed movie rage? everyone remembers a combative Rice insisting on it 6 days after terrorist attack. Face reality

Congress U R guys can't even explain Y drones worse than more expensive helio & fixed win alternatives. research before attacking

4 days U've clouded issue & ignored specific lying charge,now shamelessly admit U think out of control demo at fault 4 deaths

I've been briefed by intel & state dept, participated in the hearings. Don't tell us U know more about diplomat death from BBC

Other cities irrelevant. No demo too get out of control In Benghazi. U've been defending Prez & U don't know that. How typical

So U deny Prez was lying when he repeated claimed diplomatic deaths were result of out of control demo? Was No Benghazi demo

U can ignore Prez repeated lie about movie rage, & falsely hint intel told him to do it. It won't erase memory or change reality

U can't block memory of Prez repeat lie blaming movie rage not rad Islam terrorists. No intel talking points told him this

mixing issues. WH not changing talking points irrelevant. Intel never told anyone 2 lie blaming movie rage, not rad Islam terror

U used term buffoon. perhaps not name calling to U, but it certainly isn't make a case for an idea, concept, or principle

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