Jared Polis

Jared Polis


father,entrepreneur, education reform,wannabe baseball player,tech,politics Please also follow my Congressional press office twitter

Boulder, CO · http://polis.house.gov

Yes some generals r cheating bastards; fire them, make sure there wasn't a security breach, and move on. Nothing else to see here.

Elections are refreshing for a democracy Now that we're fully refreshed let's solve problems,work together, move our nation forward!

Excited about strong statement from CO and WA voters that the drug war has failed & it's time to b reasonable & regulate marijuana

Схоже, завантаження займе трохи часу.

Можливо, Твіттер перевантажений, або має тимчасові труднощі. Спробуйте знову, або отримайте більш детальну інформацію про стан Твіттера.