DailyCamera.com Boulder, CO
'Footy'For Australian expats, Saints bring down under to the high country

St. Kilda football club's Colorado camp exciting for fans in Boulder
The St. Kilda football club players have been easy to spot in Boulder this past week, wearing matching black-and-red uniforms and holding oddly shaped footballs. And for some Australian expats living in Boulder and Denver, the Saints are living legends. Full Story
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(AP Photo/Jessica Hill, File)
12/07/2012 11:09 AM MST - KNOXVILLE, Tenn.—Butch Jones wasn't Tennessee's first choice as its next football coach. The Volunteers believe the former Cincinnati coach will prove he's the right choice.   Full Story
National Weather Service
12/07/2012 06:42 AM MST - Boulder could finally see some snow as temperatures continue to drop over the weekend, according to the National Weather Service.   Full Story
Associated Press
12/06/2012 11:24 PM MST - University of Colorado officials say they are dedicating an unprecedented level of commitment and resources to hiring the best football coach they can find and they hope have that person in place soon.   Full Story
Jessica Hill
12/06/2012 06:40 PM MST - A miserable season on the football field ended nearly two weeks ago for the Colorado Buffaloes, but the program lost again today when Cincinnati coach Butch Jones turned down the school's offer to take over as head coach.   Full Story
Climatic Data Center
12/06/2012 05:26 PM MST - The first 11 months of 2012 were the warmest January through November on record for the contiguous United States, according to new data released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.   Full Story
Updated: December 07, 2012 11:09:07 AM MST
(AP Photo/Jessica Hill, File)
KNOXVILLE, Tenn.—Butch Jones wasn't Tennessee's first choice as its next football coach. The Volunteers believe the former Cincinnati coach will prove he's the right choice.   Full Story

Updated: December 05, 2012 4:18:08 PM MST
I would like to strongly second Eric Cornell's suggestion (Open Forum, Dec. 4) that Boulder City Attorney Tom Carr be shown some tough love for his ham-fisted attempt to manipulate the Boulder City Council into substituting his prohibitionist views regarding marijuana legalization for the judgment of Boulder's voters -- who voted for Amendment 64 by a two to one margin.   Full Story
12/06/2012 04:11 PM MST - I was one of the Boulder County citizens who "disrupted" the county commissioners' meeting on Dec.  Full Story
  • Bobby Brown: Stand up against fracking - 12/06/2012 04:09 PM MST
    Updated: December 07, 2012 8:14:06 AM MST
    Business: In Your Own Words Oral Histories Number of employees: One Owner/Lead executive: Ellen Steiner Contact: 291 Ridgeview Lane, Boulder 720-771-8558 inyourownwords.   Full Story
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    Updated: December 07, 2012 9:49:09 AM MST
    Second Story Garage: Danny Shafer

    Danny Shafer brings out the guitar's rich tone with a picking style that can be complex or playful. His voice is bluesy, but it's also pretty. Not flower pretty -- more like mountain gorge pretty 
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    Updated: December 06, 2012 9:41:28 PM MST
    (Jeremy Papasso/Daily Camera)
    Minglewood gives taste buds a tingle

    From the paraphernalia on the walls at this shrine to the Grateful Dead, Bob Weir and RatDog, Phil Lesh, Jefferson Airplane and Jack Casady, I wasn't too sure what to expect to see on the menu, let alone the plate at Minglewood. I left with a food high. Full Story


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