Much of the 2012 election on the local front is about fit. Incumbent Larimer County Commissioner Tom Donnelly (Dist.-3) is the best fit for Estes Park over challenger Karen Stockley. He has been supportive of numerous Estes Park needs and key county needs as well and deserves four more years. He was first elected commissioner in 2008.

Donnelly's support helped Estes Park pay for the transit parking lot at the fairgrounds. He also was instrumental in a more recent grant that will help with construction of a parking structure at the Visitors Center. He has been very engaged in responding to citizen concerns. For example, Donnelly responded to requests from local supporters of recycling by facilitating improvements. He also stood with local residents when they questioned the push for auto emissions testing, which would have required locals to travel a much farther distance for testing than Front Range communities. Donnelly successfully joined local residents in explaining the problems with the proposal before the Air Quality Control Commission. As a result, the commission rejected the proposal.

His most significant achievement is the county's focus on performance-based budgeting. The process relies upon input from the public as well as a careful consideration of the differences between essential or discretionary programs. As a result of trimming general fund spending, the county was able to fund construction of a new alternative sentence building without new taxes or a bond offering.

The next four years will require further budgetary restraint. Voters rejected extension of the sales tax used to support operation of the county jail. With four years of experience, Donnelly is equipped to set priorities in a manner that reflects voter priorities.

Colorado's 2nd Congressional District, redrawn after the 2010 census, has thrown Estes Park voters into a more liberal district that includes Boulder. Incumbent Jared Polis (D-Boulder) is seeking reelection. His challenger is Berthoud Republican and sitting state senator Kevin Lundberg. It has been argued that Polis is "too liberal" for Estes Park and Lundberg is "too conservative" for the district as a whole. Which is the better "fit" for Estes Park.

Polis is probably Colorado's least controversial Congressman, and has made many statements regarding the need for more bi-partisan, productive responses to the many serious problems we face today in Colorado and in the Nation. Polis is a champion of public education while his opponent calls for reduction of federal aid to education and has no suggestions for enhancing public education, Polis makes it his primary agenda item.

As a former chair of the state board of education, he already has a strong record regarding the improvement of public education. Good education produces educated workers, which helps with the economic problems that we face. It helps produce educated citizens that support better government. It provides the most effective pathway for people to immigrate into this country and become successful citizens. It is the route for recovery.

In four years of serving in the U.S. House, Polis has established himself as a member of a new generation of civic leaders full of ideas and energy to change things for the better.

He should be returned to office for a third term representing Colorado's 2nd Congressional District.