Editorial Perspective

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Sometimes, in the middle of a busy time, something happens that really makes you smile.

Some of you may recall an article we ran a few weeks ago about "Paws for Peace," an anti-puppy milling club founded by a group of very determined third-grade students at South Abington Elementary Center.

Since that article ran, some pretty amazing things have happened to these kids. First, author Ellen Miles, who wrote, "The Puppy Place: Chewy and Chica," which inspired the students to create the club in the first place, donated autographed copies of her books to the students, encouraging them to keep doing their advocacy work and to keep their "passion for pups" alive.

Then, United States Congressman Tom Marino (PA-10) heard about Paws for Peace and submitted remarks about them to the Congressional Record of the United States Congress. Rather than just sending news about this to the school, Congressman Marino took the time out of his busy schedule to come and visit the students, telling them about what it means when someone abuses or mistreats an animal and offering suggestions of how they could continue their mission in bringing, as Christina Leo, one of the group's members, put it "peace to the dogs."

Finally, South Abington Elementary School as well as Newton-Ransom Elementary School changed their annual field days into "furry" field days as a fundraiser for the Griffin Pond Animal Shelter, all because of the inspiration provided by Paws for Peace.

Having met with and sat with Paws for Peace and heard their story, I cannot even begin to tell all of you how proud of them I am. I am also proud of the adults in their lives, including principal Bob Bugno, author Ellen Miles and Congressman Marino, who have pulled out all the stops to encourage them in what they believe in so strongly.

Oftentimes, today's youth get a bad reputation - either they are seen as delinquents or non-caring individuals, who would prefer to spend time on Facebook rather than doing something constructive. These students, though, showed what the true goal of learning and education is by taking the seed that was planted when they read "The Puppy Place: Chewy and Chica" in class, nurturing it by forming their club and helping its roots spread all the way to our nation's capital. They make me feel honored to know that our nation's future is in their hands; they are truly to be commended.

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