On November 14-15, millions around the world tuned in to 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report. Together we sent a message to the world’s leaders: Dirty Energy has created a world of Dirty Weather. It’s time for it to stop.

Join the conversation



Hourly Schedule

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6 NYC

Kickoff from New York

20:00 // English

24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report officially launches at 8 p.m. EST on November 14. In the first hour, experts will discuss Dirty Weather, its origins, and what it means for all of us. Within the context of Superstorm Sandy, this hour will also include a special focus on the increasing costs associated with inaction on climate change.



Midwest & Mexico

21:00 // English

Dirty Energy is leading to an increase in droughts and floods, both of which have profound impacts on economic growth, productivity, and jobs. Watch here to see how Dirty Weather is impacting the American Midwest and South America, and to learn what we can do about it.



Western United States

22:00 // English

Tourism is a top industry for many Western states in North America. So what happens when Dirty Energy leads to warm winters and extreme summers, threatening the livelihoods of millions? Hour 3 looks at the facts behind Dirty Energy, and how states like Colorado and countries around the world are making the switch to clean energy.



British Columbia & California

23:00 // English

While Dirty Weather increases in the Western U.S. and Canada, entire forests in Alberta are bulldozed in the pursuit of one of the most harmful forms of Dirty Energy: tar sands. At the same time, California recently passed the most comprehensive climate change legislation in the United States. Watch as organizers say how we can take on Dirty Energy in our own backyards, and business leaders make the case for urgent action on climate change.



The Arctic

24:00 // English

President Olafur Grimsson of Iceland delivers a poignant call to action to protect the melting Arctic. Meanwhile, melting sea ice and thawing permafrost are creating a new problem in Alaska: environmental refugees, whose homes and livelihoods are being lost to climate change. Meet the people who are already seeing and feeling the impacts, and listen to the firsthand accounts of modern explorers.



The World's Oceans & Hawaii

01:00 // English

In a special conversation, Climate Reality Chairman and Founder Al Gore speaks with government and business leaders in Hawaii about their activities to combat climate change, while President and CEO Maggie L. Fox leads a discussion with Fabian Costeau, grandson of Jacques Costeau and founder of Plant a Fish, on the health of our world’s oceans.



Southern Pacific

02:00 // English

Melting glaciers and ice sheets are leading to a dangerous rise in sea levels that threaten to wipe entire nations off the map, resulting in the creation of global coalitions working together to bolster resilience to climate change through innovation and coordination. In Hour 7, we will speak with the innovators and leaders who are working to save entire civilizations.



New Zealand & Global

03:00 // English

Dirty Weather has infiltrated New Zealand, increasing the risk to homes and businesses. Catch the Dirty Weather Report in this hour, followed by a re-broadcast of Hour 1 led by Climate Reality Chairman and Founder Al Gore.




04:00 // English

Dirty Weather has manifested itself in Australia through drought, fires, and floods that are causing billions of dollars in damages. Watch experts speak to the economic, environmental, and health impacts of Dirty Weather, and Australia’s groundbreaking legislation to do something about it.




05:00 // English

Down under, Dirty Weather is increasing the risk of fire. Hour 10 includes an engaging conversation with first responders who risked their lives to control fires, and then participated in a massive effort to support climate change legislation.



Japan & South Korea

06:00 // English

Asian countries have endured tragedy from earthquakes, tsunamis, and a nuclear reactor meltdown – and the continued impacts of dirty weather. But this has not prevented a push for sustainable, clean energy. Meet the innovators who are working to address the climate crisis head-on.



China & Asia

07:00 // English

At the halfway point, the Dirty Weather Report will focus on extreme heat, drought, and flooding in China and throughout Asia. We will also profile some of the world’s most innovative companies who are advancing the frontiers of renewable energy, and creating global demand for their products.



Indonesia & Southeast Asia

08:00 // English

In Indonesia, coalitions of citizens, governments, religious leaders, and businesses are collaborating to offset Dirty Weather, which has included torrential rain, deadly floods, and landslides. Meet the inspiring leaders who are drawing attention to this critical issue.



Bangladesh & South Asia

09:00 // English

Environmental refugees, overtaxed infrastructures, and the potential for public health disasters – courtesy of Dirty Weather! As governments struggle to overcome resistance to climate action, meet the people behind some of the world’s most forward-leaning collaborations to bolster resilience to climate change in South Asia, one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to the impacts of climate change.



Pakistan & Global

10:00 // English

Devastating floods in Pakistan have risen in both frequency and damage, posing logistical challenges for humanitarian workers and national security implications. And in a special session, Climate Leaders, Mommy Bloggers, and other trusted messengers join the conversation by discussing the role of social media in advocating for action.



Middle East

11:00 // English

Throughout the Middle East, access to freshwater and drought are creating flashpoints for conflict between governments and communities, with the potential for broad and far-reaching ramifications for U.S. national security. In this hour, we explore the national security threats posed by Dirty Weather, and learn how the international community is coming together to respond.



East Africa

12:00 // English

Watch this hour to see how Dirty Weather is impacting food production and economic growth in areas as diverse as Israel and East Africa, and in the process affecting the stability of nations.



Global, Central Europe & United States

13:00 // English

Across Central Europe and around the world, the climate crisis is giving rise to considerable ingenuity and innovation by governments, markets, and entertainers. In this hour, we’ll explore how drought and heat waves are impacting hundreds of millions of people, and the incredible efforts by some of the world’s leading minds to take on the climate crisis.




14:00 // English

How is climate change impacting the ability of the world to end extreme poverty on the African continent, and what are the implications of not acting? Economic development and sustainability go hand in hand. Yet across Africa, most countries are seriously off-track to meet the Millennium Development Goals, a series of internationally agreed-upon objectives to reduce poverty and child mortality. Join an incredible panel of experts as we look at the linkage between extreme poverty and Dirty Weather.



United Kingdom

15:00 // English

From congestion pricing in London to a clean energy revolution in Scotland, the United Kingdom is demonstrating what success looks like. In this hour, we’ll meet the inspiring leaders from government and industry who are committed to global solutions.




16:00 // English

This hour, we’ll hear the personal reflections from scientists and global business leaders from all walks of life who have recently visited Antarctica, and how the melting landscape is contributing to global sea level rise.



South America

17:00 // English

In a special South American segment, Dirty Weather hits hard in Latin and South America. Leading scientists, government officials, and businessmen will offer their unique perspectives on the climate crisis, and showcase the coordinated responses to move toward solutions.



South America & Global

18:00 // English

In the penultimate hour, we introduce some leading young activists who are working to confront and solve the global climate crisis — for their generation and generations to come.



Finale with Al Gore

19:00 // English

Join Nobel Laureate and former Vice President Al Gore in a star-studded final hour. Vice President Gore will deliver a multimedia presentation on the reality of the climate crisis, continuing the conversation started in the Academy Award-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and will lead an all-star panel of scientists, entertainers, and business leaders convened to answer the most important question: What can we do now?


Segment Map


Dirty Weather

Let’s face it: The weather outside is different than it used to be. Record heat waves make it a chore to go outside. Floods and rainstorms damage our homes and cities. Crops wilt under severe droughts. Hot, dry weather sparks widespread fires.

This is the extreme weather you see almost every day on the news — or out your window. This is Dirty Weather. And because of man-made climate change, we can expect it to happen a lot more often.

We’re polluting our atmosphere with Dirty Energy like coal, oil, and gas. The result? The planet heats up. And we expose ourselves to Dirty Weather: Floods, droughts, heat waves, wildfires.

We’ll always have to live with bad weather sometimes. But we don’t have to live with Dirty Weather. We can make the switch from dirty to clean energy … and together, we can stop the pollution that’s disrupting our climate.

The event

Join us on November 14 for 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report. Broadcast live on the Internet, it’s an event that anyone can attend. And it’s your chance to join millions around the world to demand real solutions.

Taking place over 24 hours, this event will put a spotlight on every region of the globe — featuring news, voices, and multimedia content across all 24 time zones. Every hour will be different. You’ll hear from experts, musicians, comedians, and everyday people about the impacts of climate change on their lives and homes.

Leading the event will be our Chairman, former Vice President Al Gore, who will conclude with a presentation on November 15 at 7 p.m. Eastern Time.

Most of all, we want to hear from you. During these 24 hours, we’ll ask you to sign a pledge and join a global movement to demand action. You can join the social media conversation, make connections, and send us your ideas. Find out how we can, and we must, solve the climate crisis — and how you can help.


GOOD · Threadless · · David Suzuki Foundation · · National Wildlife Federation · tcktcktck · Global Campaign for Climate Action · Oxfam America · Blue Planet Foundation · Mashable · Rock the Vote · Buzzfeed · United Nations Environment Program · Warren Miller Entertainment · Protect our Winters · Electric Pulp · Clean Water Action · Sierra Club · EcoArtFashion · Refugees International · Climate Mama · The Motherhood · Greenbelt Movement · Million Moms ChallengeUN Foundation · Alaska Immigration Justice Project · Regional Environmental Center · Food and Trees for Africa · Earth Day Italy · Campus Party · Australian Conservation Foundation · American Values Network · Health Care without Harm · Center for International Climate and Environmental Research · MomsRising · Many Strong Voices · Kids vs. Global Warming · Georgia Climate Change Coalition · Cool the Earth · iMatter · Seaweb · Rise · Our Children’s Trust · Rainforest Alliance · Worldwatch Institute · World Resource Institute · World Wildlife Fund · Physicians for Social Responsibility · Islamic Society of North America · American Wind Energy Association · European Marine Energy Center (UK) · Environmental Defense Fund · US Climate Action Network · Southern Alliance for Clean Energy · Model Forest Policy Program · Practically Green · Ceres · Climate Reality Indonesia · National Council for Climate Change Indonesia · Climate Reality Australia · Young Evangelicals for Climate Action · Adaptation International · Blue Green Alliance · Center for International Environmental Law · Center for Biological Diversity · Green for All · Arab Network for Environment and Development · Arab Office for Youth and Environment · Climate and Health Alliance · International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development · Instituto BARCA · Natural Resources Defense Council · Mosaic Solar · Alliance for Climate Education · Climate Solutions ·


By uniting our voices, we have the power to change the world. Sign our pledge to demand action from our leaders to work on solutions to the climate crisis.

I’m In


Former Vice President Al Gore has trained over 4,000 Climate Leaders around the globe. These passionate grassroots leaders are breaking through the silence on climate disruption, educating and inspiring millions.

We’re inviting you to join the movement: Become a Climate Leader, take the training and help change the world. You can also request a presentation in your community.

More Info

Get Your T-Shirt

25 percent of each sale of our Dirty Weather T-Shirt, winner of the Threadless design challenge, goes toward The Climate Reality Project to inform more people about the climate crisis and inspire change. Be inspired and inspire others to stop Dirty Energy from creating a world of Dirty Weather.
