Look Ahead: Committee Announces Hearings and Forum for Week of November 26

November 21, 2012

WASHINGTON, DC – The House Committee on Energy and Commerce today announced its schedule for the week of November 26. The committee will hold hearings to discuss health care fraud and the role of receivers in improving spectrum usage. The committee will also host its third Clean Air Act forum.

On Wednesday, November 28, the Subcommittee on Health will hold a hearing on “Examining Options to Combat Health Care Waste, Fraud and Abuse.” Each year, the Medicare program loses tens of billions of dollars to fraud and abuse. With estimates predicting the Medicare program could go bankrupt as soon as 2017, much more needs to be done to ensure that our seniors’ health care dollars are protected. This hearing will access current anti-fraud measures employed by CMS and explore potential new approaches to address these substantial and ongoing threats. A witness list, Majority Memorandum, and witness testimony will be posted here when available.

On Thursday, November 29, the Subcommittee on Energy and Power will hold its third Clean Air Act Forum. The forum continues the theme of the first two events: “State, Local, and Federal Cooperation in the Clean Air Act.” The forum series provides an opportunity for members of Congress to hear a broad range of perspectives from experts about their experiences in implementing the Clean Air Act. A list of participants, as well as a link to the live webcast, can be found here.

Also on Thursday, November 29, the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology will hold a hearing on “The Role of Receivers in a Spectrum Scarce World.” Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) said, “Spectrum is essential to jobs, technology, and the economy. The demand for spectrum, however, is quickly outpacing the usable supply. As part of the subcommittee’s ongoing conversation on making smarter use of spectrum, we will discuss the role of receivers and examine how we can stay flexible while preparing for the next generation of innovation and advancement.” A witness list, Majority Memorandum, and witness testimony will be posted here when available.

Hearing and Forum Details:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012
10:00 a.m.
2123 Rayburn House Office Building
Subcommittee on Health
Hearing on “Examining Options to Combat Health Care Waste, Fraud and Abuse”

Thursday, November 29, 2012
10:00 a.m.
2123 Rayburn House Office Building
Subcommittee on Energy and Power
Forum on Clean Air Act (Part III)

Thursday, November 29, 2012
10:00 a.m.
2322 Rayburn House Office Building
Subcommittee on Communications and Technology
Hearing on “The Role of Receivers in a Spectrum Scarce World”