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RSC Update: Still Thankful

Washington, Nov 20 -

From the Chairman
The outcome of the presidential race was certainly disappointing, but I remain thankful that I live in a country where we have the right to choose our leaders and to speak our minds.

This is still the country founded on the belief that every man and woman has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Government does not create our rights. They are given to us by God. And it is government’s job to protect and secure them. So, don’t be discouraged, be thankful we live in the greatest country in the world.

God Bless,

Congressman Jim Jordan
Chairman, Republican Study Committee

RSC Media Activity – RSC members work hard to ensure that the conservative viewpoint is well-represented in all corners of the media. Visit our Media Center for more.

RSC Member Activity RSC members make it a priority to introduce productive, conservative solutions for America’s future.

  • Chairman Jim Jordan (OH-04) sent a letter to the U.N. Security Council expressing concerns about Palestinian rockets being fired into Israel, while the U.N. Security Council chooses to remain silent, rather than condemn these attacks in the strongest terms possible.
  • Rep. Mike Kelly (PA-03) introduced H.Res. 814 to protect Second Amendment rights from the UN Arms Trade Treaty.
  • Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC-03) and 96 Other Members sent a letter to President Obama discouraging him from nominating Ambassador Susan Rice to serve as Secretary of State.

House Floor Activity – The following key legislation came through the House of Representatives recently.

  • On November 16, the House passed H.R. 6156, legislation which would extend permanent normal trade relations status to Russia.
  • On November 16, the House passed H. Res. 813 — "Expressing vigorous support and unwavering commitment to the welfare, security, and survival of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state with secure borders, and recognizing and strongly supporting its right to act in self-defense to protect its citizens against acts of terrorism."

Outlook – A quick look at what’s on the horizon.

  • Last week, RSC members elected Rep. Steve Scalise (LA-01) to head the Republican Study Committee in the 113th Congress. His two-year term as RSC Chairman will begin in January.
  • The House and Senate are out of session this week. The House’s next legislative session will occur on Tuesday, November 27.

RSC Reports

  • Watch a recently made RSC video on our spending and debt.
  • RSC Updates are now online! Looking for one of our recently released charts and graphs? Click here.
  • Stay up to date on budget and spending news with reports from the RSC Budget and Spending Task Force.
  • Check out the RSC Sunset Caucus’ work to shrink the size of government and the Repeal Task Force’s work to eliminate bad laws and regulations.
  • House rules now require sponsors of legislation to provide a Constitutional Authority Statement that explains how Congress has the constitutionally-derived authority to enact their proposals. Click here to see liberals’ highly questionable attempts.
  • Read the RSC Money Monitor to track how bills passed by the House affect budget authorizations, mandatory spending, and federal government revenue.


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House Republican Study Committee
Rep. Jim Jordan, Chairman

Paul Teller, Executive Director
Brad Watson, Policy Director
Joe Murray, Professional Policy Staff
Curtis Rhyne, Professional Policy Staff
Ja’Ron Smith, Professional Policy Staff
Derek Khanna, Professional Policy Staff
Brian Straessle, Communications Director
Michael Tate, Deputy Communications Director
Wesley Goodman, Director of Conservative Coalitions and State Outreach
Yong Choe, Director of Business Outreach and Member Services
Rick Eberstadt, Research Assistant
1524 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 226-9717


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Congressman Jim Jordan is Chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC).

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