
Daily Data: In 1863, Lincoln issued a "Thanksgiving Proclamation," making the last Thursday of November the national day for Thanksgiving.

I am grateful for the Central VA Food Bank and the work they do to provide relief, hope and opportunity to the most vulnerable in our region

When people are in trouble or facing tough times, it’s an opportunity for neighbors and communities to step up and provide a helping hand.

Prayers with Israel as Hamas attacks continue. Support Iron Dome and Israel's defensive effort to strike the launchers and stockpiles.

I strongly condemn today's attack on innocent Israeli civilians. Our hearts are filled with sorrow as we offer their families our prayers.

Схоже, завантаження займе трохи часу.

Можливо, Твіттер перевантажений, або має тимчасові труднощі. Спробуйте знову, або отримайте більш детальну інформацію про стан Твіттера.