Rep. Kristi Noem

Rep. Kristi Noem


I'm South Dakota's lone Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. I live in Castlewood, SD with my husband Bryon and three kids Kassidy, Kennedy & Booker.

Castlewood & Washington ·

Nov. 24th is "Small Business Saturday." Check out what your local small businesses have to offer for gifts. Learn more:

MT : Today marks 1300 days since passed a formal budget. Our nat'l debt has increased by $5+ trillion since then.

Congrats to for his re-election as Senate Republican Conference Chairman. He'll continue to do great work for SD & the nation.

Congrats to Groton, Parker & Wall Elementary Schools for being named 2012 National Blue Ribbon Schools. Nice work!

Great story on two SD vets. I was honored to present one a long overdue Korean War Medal back in September

Happy Birthday South Dakota! MT : Today is South Dakota's 123rd birthday.Statehood papers 4 SD & ND signed on this day in 1889

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