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Rep. Paul Ryan on the Need to #StopTheTaxHike and Advance Pro-Growth Tax Reform

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Published on Jul 27, 2012 by

You know, American businesses and families are wondering what will their tax rate be come 2013. Well, a lot of us are wondering the same ourselves because the President seems intent on making sure that we have a massive tax increase that hits families and successful small businesses come January 1, 2013.

We think it's a mistake. We don't think it's the right way to go. There's all this uncertainty plaguing the economy as to what our tax rates are going to be. So next week in the House of Representatives, we are going to be passing legislation to show very clearly, here is what we want to do.

We want to extend the current tax code for one more year and have fast track procedures in the House and the Senate to make sure that we actually embrace tax reform. The days of picking winners and losers through the tax code need to come to an end. We need to lower our tax rates by plugging loopholes so we don't lose revenues but by making it easier for families to keep more of what they earn, for small businesses to take risks and create jobs.

If this tax increase hits our economy come January as the President seems to be committed to doing, it is going to cost us jobs. It's going to make our businesses less competitive. One estimate says it could cost us 700,000 jobs. All of this uncertainty, all of this taxing and spending -- it's not working.

We need to reform our tax code, cut our spending, and give families and businesses the certainty that they need to make good decisions so they can prosper and create jobs in this economy - that's exactly what we're doing in the House of Representatives next week.


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  • Make it happen congressmen.

  • Dajbro024,

    I know you keep your insurance. The US government can drop costs as low as it wants. Why? All they have to do is tax more. Private insurance companies wont be able to afford to drop prices like the US government can and with the prices the public plan offers, there will be hundreds of thousands of people flocking to it if not more. The private sector would loose huge amounts of money! There is no doubt insurance companies will go bankrupt because they are covering more than they make

  • Everyone is going to be paying for Obamacare, even if you don't use it. Add that to what you will be paying for with your own personal healthcare and now you're paying more than what you were before. The government will monopolize healthcare by dropping their rates lower than what the private sector can do without failing. If it's cheaper to go to Obamacare who wouldn't go to it? If you choose not to have healthcare you could be fined. Choosing not to have healthcare to save money leads to less.

  • Only post comments if you're old enough to vote.

  • Good to know you vote on personalities. Not what candidates believe in.

  • I love Paul Ryan!!

  • OBAMA 2012!!!! LETS GET IT!!

  • Obama plans to rasie taxes for people making more then 200,000 by 1 percent. How is that going to negatively affect people making under 200,000?

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