"Honor Flight" Official Trailer #2: record-breaking film hits theaters Dec 7, 2012

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Published on Nov 8, 2012 by


Freethink Media presents "Honor Flight" - a film about four living World War II veterans and a Midwest community coming together to give them the trip of a lifetime. Volunteers race against the clock to fly thousands of WWII veterans to Washington, DC to see the memorial constructed for them in 2005, nearly 60 years after the War.

The First Trailer: The film's first trailer got 4.5 million views via Facebook. http://bit.ly/TxML4O

The Premiere: "Honor Flight" set the world record for largest film screening ever with 28,442 people in attendance. http://huff.to/PgEzpT

The Pledge: pledge to see the film at http://www.HonorFlightTheMovie.com

Stars and Stripes Honor Flight (SSHF) is the Honor Flight chapter featured in the film. To donate, volunteer or learn more about SSHF, please visit http://www.starsandstripeshonorflight.org.

SSHF is one of 117 Honor Flight hubs throughout the country. To find a hub near you, visit http://www.honorflight.org.


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  • May God Bless these HEROES and grant them comfort and peace in their final days.

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  • Quit arguing and enjoy the trailer. Tremendous respect for these old men....

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  • Tabitha is probably referring to the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF or AAF) which basically controlled the Army Air Corps during and after WWII.

    This was the real predecessor of the Air Force. Correct about the B-52 though.

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  • I am in my 50's and this is the first time I ever cried during a movie trailer.

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  • Please don't be disrespectful by saying such a thing as that. We all appreciate the support, but the United States payed an equally high price for WWII, as did Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and all other allied countries.

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  • You yanks only came in during 1941. Oh well thanks for the great service! God bless all those who serve.

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  • sorry, but the USAF wasn't around in WWII. it was the Army Air Corps. there also were no B-52's in WWII. lastly, 4 stars is a General, while a Brigadier General is only 1 star. you might want to get your facts about your Grandfather straight, dude. i do not doubt that he may very well have been in the Army Air Corps and/or the Air Force, he may have been a general, and he may have flown bombers. it's just that some of the things you said about him were incorrect or contradictory.

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  • Wow choked me up! My Grandpa was a WW2 USAF B52 pilot / 4 star Brigadier General.Was a base commander, worked as natl security adviser @ Pentagon w/ Reagan admin, founded B52 Bomber Museum in AZ & pioneered NASA's 1st desktop PC network. He LOVED his country so much! Been thinking of him a lot lately w/ all that's going on in the US & afraid he's rolling in his grave over it.I miss him dearly. Loved hanging w/ the WW2 AF Vets @ the Officer's Lounge. Irreplaceable Men.True Heroes, God Bless Them!

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  • These WWII Heroes that fought and died for this country when it was strong and patriotic, would be disgusted with this current so called president Obama. Hes done nothing but dishonor them every second he is in office. Its time to really Honor these people .

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  • Im a mom nof two sons who servednin marines and army, my Army son went to Desert Storm,Im very proud of their service to coountry and want to say God be with our troops and military across the land and world!!

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