Speaking of debates, doesn't Ryan owe Wisconsin one?

2012-10-04T07:00:00Z 2012-10-23T21:10:01Z Speaking of debates, doesn't Ryan owe Wisconsin one?Cap Times editorial madison.com
October 04, 2012 7:00 am  • 

Now that the first presidential debate is done, the next big debate will be the vice presidential clash between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan.

We know that Ryan is busy prepping, and we don't expect him to come back to Wisconsin to debate his opponent in the other race he's running this fall.

But after Ryan finishes the debate with Biden, he owes Wisconsin at least one debate with Democrat Rob Zerban, his serious challenger for the congressional seat representing southeastern Wisconsin's 1st District.

The Racine Journal Times, a 1st District paper, says to Ryan: “If you want to run for two offices, you should give the voters a chance to see you side-by-side with both of your opponents.”

The Kenosha News, another 1st District paper, says: “We think Ryan, who has made several stops in Wisconsin in his vice presidential campaign and who is running television ads to support his congressional campaign, ought to make time in his schedule to debate his opponent in the 1st District, Democrat Rob Zerban, a businessman and former member of the Kenosha County Board. The invitations have been extended.”

Common Cause in Wisconsin has called for a debate.

Citizens Action of Wisconsin has called for a debate.

The Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans has called for a debate.

United Auto Workers Local 95 in Janesville, Ryan's hometown, has called for a debate.

And the voters of the 1st District clearly want a debate.

On Wednesday, Zerban hand-delivered a petition signed by more than 50,000 people to Ryan’s campaign office. The petition demanded that the Republican congressman return to the district for a debate with his Democratic challenger.

“Congressman Ryan has been chosen as Mitt Romney’s running mate precisely because they see eye to eye on dismantling the social safety nets,” says Zerban. “They want to write off the 47 percent because they can’t relate to the 47 percent. Paul Ryan is so busy jetting across the country carrying water for Mitt Romney that he may have forgotten he’s still running for Congress right here in Wisconsin. But as long as Paul Ryan’s name is still on the ballot here at home, it’s our job to hold him accountable.”

Zerban is right.

This is about accountability.

And Paul Ryan owes some of that precious commodity to Wisconsin.

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(2) Comments

  1. carolo
    Report Abuse
    carolo - October 05, 2012 4:23 pm
    If Ryan lies as much as Romney did at his debate, might as well save yourself the buzz in your ears and just vote for Zerban.

    Romney stated he was going to make cuts of 20% for everyone and still keep the tax cuts for the top dogs. That comes to 5 Trillion. At the debate, he denied saying that.

    Two weeks ago at AARP, Ryan stated Medicare would end. At the debate, Romney denied it, and said he would make Medicare stronger.

    Romney said no school budgets would be cut but he was on TV telling teachers 4 months ago there would be numerous cuts.

    Romney said he would remove those regulations for the banks that got us in this mess. At the debate he said he would keep regulations.

    At the debate, he said he worked with Democrats to get the healthcare through in his State. What he showed there is that a Republican can work with Democrats and get things done. Romney did NOT have to work with the TEA PARTY. Totally different scenario’s.

    Another debate lie is that Romney’s healthcare plan covers pre-existing conditions. A member of this staff corrected him AFTER the debate but Romney still has not said it was false.
  2. tomtom33
    Report Abuse
    tomtom33 - October 05, 2012 3:15 am
    How many debates in defense of his Senate seat did Joe Biden hold while he was running for VP?
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